Page 22 of Killer Sins

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Tenaya perched, tense as a drawn bowstring, on the edge of the leather couch. It was full dark now, about an hour after Victor’s latest threat. After a sympathetic hug, Jane had driven off to pick Kellen up from soccer practice just as Fenn, Paige and Kate drove up to join them.

The drapes were drawn against the cold night air. From the corner of her eye, Tenaya could see lights winking on the security control panel by the front door. She was surrounded by some of the most talented special ops soldiers in the world, yet she could literally feel Victor’s evil out there, pulsating. Waiting. The fact that Tai deployed a fleet of his high tech drones a few minutes ago only amped up her anxiety.

They had to hurry. Whatever plan they made, they had to act now. Before another innocent woman died.

Graham ran a hand over his thinning hair, avoiding her gaze. “We all know the drill. This isn’t any different from other missions. We locate the target, bait him into a mistake, then neutralize him.”

“We have to assume he knows we’re coming,” Bridger said. “He’ll be waiting.”

Tai stretched out his long legs. “Copy that.”

She tried to read the team’s stony expressions, but they were masters at disguising emotions. They had to realize there was only one way to spring this trap. She felt like a ticking bomb, ready to shatter into pieces.

“We have to draw him out into the open,” she pleaded with the team, growing more agitated by the second. “We can’t just sit here. He’s going to kill again.”

But the more upset she became, the calmer they remained. Didn’t they grasp the stakes? That another innocent woman could die?

She jumped to her feet, too wired to stay seated. “You’re not hearing me. Victor already killed an innocent woman and left me a note taking credit. He’s out there hunting his next victim as we speak. We have to act now!”

The team stared back impassively, infuriating in their calmness. Didn’t they grasp the urgency? That another blameless woman’s life hung precariously in the balance?

Tai shifted closer. Though he said nothing, his dark gaze telegraphed understanding.

Mason leaned against the stone hearth; brawny arms crossed. “No one’s disagreeing, but we need a plan first. Can’t just wave a red flag and hope this bull charges.”

Tenaya flung out a hand in frustration. “I don’t care about strategy. I’ll stand on a street corner with a target on my chest if that’s what it takes. Just end this before anyone else dies.”

Fenn shook his head, sandy hair glinting in the firelight. “We’re all for heroic suicide missions, but let’s not get crazy.”

His attempt at humor fell flat.

Tai didn’t crack a smile. He stared into the flickering flames, jaw rigid with tension. The banked fury in his eyes sent a shiver down Tenaya’s spine. Tai’s desire to annihilate her stalker was a nearly palpable force.

Kate leaned forward, delicate features set with determination. “Baiting a trap won’t work if he suspects it’s a setup. We have to make him too jealous to think straight.”

Understanding sparked in Paige’s expression. “We need to make him think Tenaya’s moved on...with a new man. Tenaya needs a boyfriend.” Her gaze swung pointedly to Tai. “She needs you, Kaholo.”

“What? No!” Tai responded instantly. “Why me? Mason’s the best at close-quarters combat.”

Tenaya struggled not to show how much his emphatic refusal hurt. She felt the same way, but still. Ouch.

“Mason’s our best sniper,” Bridger pointed out. “We’re talking about an urban setting. Lots of high angle shots. We’re gonna need long range protection here.”

“But––” Tai sputtered. “What about Scarborough?”

Fenn shot Tenaya a whole-hearted grin. “I’d take that job in a heartbeat, trust me, but I’m not your guy. When Zhezhnov makes his move, we’re gonna want our biggest, toughest guy taking him on.”

Her father nodded, catching on. “This could work. Draw him out into the open.”

Mason grunted in agreement.

Fenn eyed Tenaya and Tai in turn, gesturing between them. “You two already have chemistry.”

“What? No!” She and Tai objected in unison. A flare of startled awareness passed between them. At least they were aligned there.

“Bad chemistry,” she argued.
