Page 24 of Killer Sins

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The elegant Fenn rolled his eyes. “It’s not a thing.”

Tai pushed out his jaw. “I’m making it a thing. Look, if Zhezhnov comes at Tenaya, I gotta be able to move.”

Graham sighed loudly. “Kaholo has a point. This time.” He looked to Tenaya.

“Okay,” she conceded the point. Tai did look more menacing in his tech clothes, all black and hard and dangerous. “We’ll go urban casual. But you’re going to have to lose the boots.”

Tai looked like he planned to argue for a second, but the man was smarter than she’d been giving him credit for so far. He shrugged. “Deal.”

Bridger clapped his hands together. “Now that that’s settled, how about we go catch us a murderer?”


Bridger stepped quietly into the dim bedroom and smiled at the sight of Kellen already tucked beneath his favorite camo bedspread, dark hair tousled.

“Hey buddy.” Bridger perched on the edge of the narrow bed. “Sorry I missed dinner.”

Kellen shrugged, sleepy gaze tracking him. “S’okay. Catch any bad guys today?”

Bridger chuckled, ruffling the boy’s hair. “Nah, just paperwork and training. The boring stuff.”

“Someday you’ll let me do training too, right? After you and Jane get married and you’re my dad for real?” Hopeful excitement lit the boy’s face.

“We’ll see.” Bridger cleared his throat, trying to choke down the well of emotion Kellen’s words stirred. “So, listen, I wanted to let you know I’ve got to head out for a bit. A week, maybe two. The team and I are helping a friend with a problem.”

Kellen’s blue eyes sharpened, his inquisitive nature igniting. “Is it Tenaya? Is that crazy stalker guy still after her?”

Pride swelled in Bridger’s chest. The boy was way too perceptive for his age. “Yeah, afraid so. We need to track him down so Tenaya can get her life back.”

Kellen chewed his lip. “Bridger, why’s she so mad at her dad? He seems nice.”

Bridger sighed. How to explain their painful history to a nine-year-old? “Sometimes adults hurt each other without meaning to. Even when they think they’re doing the right thing.”

Kellen considered that for a moment. “You mean like when Jane gets on me about homework? I get in a bad mood and give her attitude. But later I feel bad. Jane always forgives me, though. That’s what Christians do, right?”

“Moms, too.” Bridger smiled and offered a fist bump. “You got it exactly right.” If only healing rifts could be so simple. “Tenaya hasn’t forgiven her dad yet for leaving when she was little. She needs time, that’s all.”

“I hope they make up,” Kellen said through a wide yawn. “Graham’s cool.”

“I hope so too, buddy.” Bridger tucked the covers up beneath Kellen’s chin and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Sweet dreams. Be good for Jane.”

He made his way back to the living room and settled onto the sofa beside Jane, pulling her close. The clean scent of her shampoo enveloped him. Home.

He traced the diamond on her finger, still hardly believing his good fortune. In just a few short weeks, they’d be husband and wife. A family in truth. The very idea made his chest swell with emotion.

Jane tilted her head back to study his face. “You look serious. Everything okay with Kellen?”

“Yeah, he’s great.” Bridger shook off his melancholy mood and quickly updated her on the conversation.

Jane smiled. “That boy has so much heart.” Her expression turned thoughtful. “Do you really think there’s hope for Tenaya and Graham?”

Bridger blew out a breath. “I don’t know. But those two are more alike than they want to admit. Hopefully they’ll figure that out sooner than later.”

He ran his knuckles down Jane’s arm. “Speaking of our favorite feuding family members, wait until you hear our latest mission.”

Jane’s dark eyebrows lifted. “Do tell.”

Bridger couldn’t hold back a grin. “Tai is now Tenaya’s brand new husband. We’re gonna sell the whirlwind marriage to draw out Zhezhnov.”

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