Page 29 of Killer Sins

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“No reason,” she said lightly, pulse skittering. “Just an impulsive newlywed thing. It’s one of Tai’s favorite places.”

Jarrod’s eyes narrowed, scrutinizing her. Tenaya’s heart pounded so violently she was certain he could hear it echoing off the office’s glass walls. She had to redirect this conversation before Jarrod’s suspicions deepened.

Right on cue, Tai strode up behind her. Tenaya nearly wilted in relief.

He squeezed in beside her, filling the doorway, raven hair drawn back in a neat ponytail, sharp eyes taking in the scene in an instant. He flashed his dimples, oozing charm.

“There’s my beautiful bride.” He wrapped her in a powerfully muscled embrace. “I got lonely waiting in your office, babe.”

Despite knowing it was all for show, Tenaya couldn’t help soaking in the heady sensation of being enveloped in his strength. Tai had been keeping her at a polite distance since their tense first meeting. Feeling his broad chest pressing against her, his warm breath brushing her ear, made her pulse leap in a way that had nothing to do with anxiety.

She slipped regretfully out of his arms. His dark eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled down at her, the expression brimming with intimacy. Tenaya’s cheeks heated.

The man was way too good at this.

Oblivious to her flustered state, he turned to Jarrod, hand extended. “Tai Riego. Just wanted to introduce myself to the man my wife can’t stop raving about.”

Jarrod grasped Tai’s hand briefly, mouth tight. “Jarrod Vogler. I’m sure Tenaya mentioned I made partner recently. I’ll be overseeing her caseload during her…impromptu…sabbatical.”

The two men sized each other up with polite smiles that didn’t reach their eyes.

Tenaya resisted the urge to step between them. Tai radiated a relaxed dignity at odds with his casual attire—designer jeans and a pricey cashmere sweater in place of his usual tactical garb. Between his impressive physique and subtly commanding presence, her fake husband struck an imposing figure.

Jarrod wasn’t easily intimidated, though. He squared his shoulders, gaze raking dismissively over Tai’s muscular frame. “So a delayed honeymoon in Bora Bora?”

He didn’t bother to mask the skepticism in his tone.

Tai lifted one broad shoulder. “That’s the plan. I wanted to get my beautiful wife all to myself for a few weeks.” He brushed a hand down Tenaya’s arm. “If it was up to me, we’d already be there, but she takes her career seriously.”

The soft caress made Tenaya’s cheeks flame brighter. She needed to shut down this conversation before her brain melted.

“Anyway,” she rushed to add, “I’ll make certain my clients are taken care of while I’m gone.”

“Of course.” Jarrod smiled blandly. “Your work here is invaluable. We’ll get by somehow.”

His platitude didn’t match the fierce glint in his eyes. Tenaya’s stomach knotted with unease. Jarrod wasn’t taking this marriage news well at all. She prayed they could end this charade quickly before she lost all credibility with him.

Or even her position at the firm.

Tai slid an arm around her shoulders, radiating satisfaction. “Fantastic. I promise not to keep her away too long.”

He winked down at Tenaya, his roguish grin making her pulse leap erratically.

Get a grip! She scolded herself. Tai was merely playing a role, no matter how convincing. The heated glances, the casually possessive touches—it was all an act. One that was obviously affecting her judgment, since she couldn’t seem to stop blushing.

With some effort, she composed her expression into polite professionalism. “Thank you for understanding, Jarrod.”

He didn’t respond, assessing her and Tai, as if trying to solve a difficult puzzle.

Tenaya resisted the urge to fidget under his scrutiny. Just when the taut silence was becoming unbearable, Jarrod seemed to shake off his contemplative mood. His usual urbane smile slipped back into place.

“You know what?” He rounded the desk, clapping Tai lightly on the back. “I just remembered. Tenaya did mention you a while back. New money, right? Family made their fortune in oil?”

Tai shrugged, the picture of careless privilege. “Not so new. Great Granddad got into aviation early. The fam’s been coasting ever since.” He touched Tenaya’s cheek lightly. “But that’s boring history. I’d much rather discuss my beautiful new wife.”

Heat swept through Tenaya at his intimate tone. She quickly stepped out of reach, nerves jangling. Time to make their escape before Tai took things too far.

“Well, we should let you get back to work,” she told Jarrod briskly. “I know you’re busy preparing for the Kitterman acquisition.”
