Page 42 of Killer Sins

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The wave of sound––clinking glasses, hundreds of people conversing and laughing––wafted out of the oversized ballroom, assaulting Tai’s senses. He adjusted the bowtie at his throat, grimacing at his reflection in the gilt-framed mirror as he and Tenaya passed. The crisp black tuxedo jacket pulled slightly across his shoulders, but at least he had full range of motion. And the cummerbund hid his compact M18 perfectly. He flexed his hands experimentally. The starched French cuffs barely impeded him drawing the stainless-steel throwing knives in spring-loaded sheaths along his forearms.

Not exactly traditional formalwear, but it beat going unarmed. Especially tonight.

As they entered the glittering ballroom, he lifted a silent prayer: Lord, guide my steps and grant me the wisdom and strength to protect this woman. Help me be Your hands, extended in grace and mercy. Give us clarity to end this evil so Your perfect justice may prevail.

Catching Tenaya’s eye, he forced a grin. “I clean up pretty nice, huh?”

A smile lit her delicate features. “Not bad.”

Tai’s breath caught. Tenaya was stunning in a floor-length burgundy gown, the deep V-neck and open back showcasing smooth mocha skin. Delicate jewelry at her ears and throat sparkled as she moved closer.

At her uncertain look, he gentled his voice. “Try not to worry. We’ve got all approaches covered. Just focus on having a nice evening.”

“Sure. You bet,” she muttered.

Tai tucked her hand through his arm. “Seriously. We look way too good to let some psycho ruin our night.”

Tenaya huffed a soft laugh. “A fair point, sir.”

Tai couldn’t resist giving her another appraising look. The gown’s deep neckline revealed the delicate hollow of her throat, collarbone draped in a glittering diamond necklace. His fingertips tingled, imagining tracing the smooth skin.

Dragging his focus upward with effort, he met her eyes in the reflective metal door. “You look beautiful.”

Pleased color rose on her cheeks. “Back at you, handsome.”

Tai blinked, startled by the casual endearment. Before he could form a coherent response, she headed into the ballroom.


Squaring his shoulders, he followed. Chandeliers cast warm light over elegantly laid tables and a parquet dance floor. On a raised stage along one wall, a string quartet played unobtrusively.

Everywhere he looked, LA’s movers and shakers mingled and chatted, bejeweled and coiffed within an inch of their lives. If Zhezhnov was watching, he and Tenaya should make an irresistible target.

He tapped his concealed earpiece. “Radio check.”

“Loud and clear,” came Mason’s clipped response.

Bridger confirmed the same a second later. “All stations report ready. We’ve got eyes on you from all approaches. Just breathe and try to relax.”

Tai almost laughed aloud. Relax, while using Tenaya as human bait? Not likely.

A rotund, red-faced man in a too small tux wandered up, grinning widely at Tenaya. “There she is! My favorite shark.”

Tai clenched his jaw.

Oblivious to his irritation, the man pumped Tenaya’s free hand enthusiastically. “Good to see you, Counselor.”

“Alan, I thought I’d see you here.” Tenaya extricated her hand politely. “This is my husband, Tai.”

The man grinned up at Tai, pink cheeks shiny. “Alan Beal. A pleasure to meet you. You’re a lucky man.”

Tai forced his features into a polite smile.

Beal laughed, patting his ample belly. “Your wife’s a barracuda in the courtroom, I tell you.” He winked at Tenaya. “Worth every penny. Once she’s sunk her teeth in, there’s no getting away. Not that a guy would want to get away.” He eyed Tenaya as if she were a prime cut of meat. “Know what I mean?”

Tai tensed. He knew exactly what the over-familiar man meant. If they were anywhere else, Tai would––
