Page 53 of Killer Sins

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“Family money,” Tai said casually, giving her a roguish wink. “Grandad invested early in aviation. It’s tough being me.”

“I can only imagine,” the woman purred.

Tai just chuckled, raking in another round of winnings. He knew his flashy persona was attracting the exact kind of attention needed to draw out Tenaya’s tormentor. He just had to keep up the obnoxious playboy act a little while longer.

The dealer shot him an irritated look as Tai collected his growing pile of chips. Tai tossed the guy a lavish tip, knowing it would attract more scrutiny from the mob bosses watching from the shadows. Just a bored trust fund kid amusing himself, with no clue that he’d stumbled into a viper’s nest. If his bait drew the snakes out into the open, all the better.

The Russian thugs mingling around the perimeter of the room drew closer, clearly concerned with Tai’s growing success. Their sharp eyes tracked his every move, cold and calculating. The heavy scent of their pungent cologne mixed with stale cigarette smoke, assaulting his senses.

His thoughts strayed to Tenaya as the hand progressed. Was she safe, waiting back at her sleek office tower with his father on watch? Graham was as skilled as they came, but still, Tai couldn’t tamp down his concern.

Please, Lord, let this risky gambit pay off, he prayed silently.

Bridger’s voice sounded in his earpiece. “They’re getting twitchy. Finish this hand and get out.”

Tai tapped his finger lightly in acknowledgement even as he tossed more chips into the pot with feigned carelessness. He raked in his winnings a moment later, the other players grumbling.

Time to go.

He scooped up his considerable pile of chips and sauntered over to the ornate cashier’s cage to collect his payout. The cashier’s begrudging congratulations confirmed his hunch. The owners wanted him gone.

Back on the casino floor, he made a show of checking his flashy watch. He declined the manager’s offer to call a taxi, laughing that he had a new sports car to show off. After pocketing the thick envelope of cash, he handed the man his business card.

“Tell your boss I’d like a word. If I don’t hear from him soon, I’ll be back. And I’ll be taking more than money next time.”

Tai allowed himself a tight, satisfied smile at the man’s startled expression before strolling outside into the warm evening air. Mission accomplished. Now to hope Tenaya’s stalker took the bait.

He slid behind the wheel of the cherry red Ferrari. Was it bad that he preferred the toasted Maserati?

“Time to head back to Tenaya’s office?” he asked lightly over the comlink.

“Copy that. You’ve picked up a tail,” Mason responded tersely. “Black SUV. Don’t lose them.”

Tai checked his mirrors with exaggerated nonchalance. There they were, right on cue.

“Copy that,” he said, adrenaline spiking as he pulled out into traffic. “Though I gotta say, my six is not my best angle. Maybe tell them to get my good side next time.”

In his earpiece, Paige snorted. “I’ll be sure to pass that along.”

Tai grinned as he wove expertly between lanes. “Might as well look good if I’m gonna be on candid camera.”

Up ahead, the light turned yellow. Tai zoomed through just as it changed to red, leaving the SUV stuck behind a line of waiting cars.

“Whoops, hope that didn’t spoil their shot,” Tai quipped, checking his mirror. The SUV was trapped behind a delivery truck at the light.

Paige sighed in his earpiece. “Way to shake your new friends, genius.”

“Aw, don’t worry,” Tai teased as he waited at the next corner. “I’m sure they’ll catch up.”

The SUV roared up just as Tai hit the gas. He laughed. “See? They’re determined. I’m touched.”

Tai kept up the joking banter as he navigated the streets, hyper aware of the vehicle trailing him. He had the mob’s attention. Now to reel them in.

Palms damp with anticipation, he wove expertly through the crowded streets. He longed to open up the powerful engine and really give his pursuers a chase, but he held back. Riling up his pursuers prematurely wouldn’t help.

Nor would losing his tail. They figured he might pick up some followers. The plan was to cruise back to Tenaya’s office, pick her up and head out to a highly-visible dinner at the most expensive place on Sunset Boulevard. He’d make sure to snag a window table, let his pursuers get an eye-full. Continuing to sell the married angle was crucial to the next step: getting whoever was after Tenaya to agree to a face-to-face meeting with her rich, clueless new husband.

Patience, he reminded himself, flexing his fingers on the leather steering wheel. He had to trust his team’s plan, as much as the waiting grated. And he had to trust the Lord.
