Page 59 of Killer Sins

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Ten minutes ago, she would have begged off, but his news sparked her appetite. She sank back in her seat, determined to enjoy the fantasy for a bit. A stunning special ops man at her side, and a trip up Highway One to an exclusive seafood spot?

Yes. Please.

She snuggled deeper into the perfectly-cushioned seat and nodded. “Copy that.”

The sound of his hearty laugh, and the big-throated growl of the hand-crafted sports car made her body tingle all the way up the coast.


Tai glanced over at Tenaya as she rode beside him in the sleek Porsche, smiling to himself. With her rich curls, mocha skin, and that lightning-fast brain, she was, in a word, stunning. His initial impression of her had been way off base. Beneath the polished exterior, she had a quick mind and a giving heart. That gold-plated law office didn’t do her justice. She belonged somewhere she could spread her wings and use her talents to help people who couldn’t afford the kind of legal minds Steadman Graham had in their stable.

His musings were interrupted by Bridger’s terse voice over the comlink. “You got company. Two modified Nissan GTRs. Two passengers in each. Heavily armed. Assault rifles for sure, and probably a whole load of other armament.”

Tai shot Tenaya a grim look. “Looks like my message at the casino was received. We’ve picked up a tail.”

She gave a sharp nod, chin lifted determinedly. “That’s good, right? Let’s stop and talk.”

“Negative,” Tai shot back. “Too risky with you onboard. I’m going to lose them. We’ll find another way to get Svetlana’s attention.”

Tenaya grabbed his arm, eyes flashing. “No, we need to follow through. I can handle it.” She leaned closer, putting her lips close to his ear. “Graham, tell them I’m good. We have to take the chance while we have it.”

Over the link, Graham’s chuckle rumbled. “You heard the lady. My little butter bean’s tougher than she looks. Proceed as planned, son.”

Tai choked back a laugh at the unexpected pet name. “Butter bean?”

In the seat next to him, Tenaya pulled a face. “No, he did not.”

Tai grinned at her. “Yeah, he did. Your dad just outed your baby nickname. Oorah!”

“Okay hotshot, lead those yahoos up the canyon,” Bridger directed. “We’ll be ready to intercept.”

Tai put the Porsche into a sharp U-turn, tires squealing. “Roger that. Heading for the hills.”

Beside him, Tenaya shot him a bewildered look. “What’s happening?”

“You’re gonna get your wish.” He accelerated up the winding canyon road. “We’re letting these fools catch up to us.”

“You’re leading them into a trap,” Tenaya guessed.

“Copy that.” He only hoped their pursuers didn’t have the same idea. Still, the team was mere seconds behind them, a fact the group in the Nissans wouldn’t know.

Graham’s gravelly voice came over the comms. “Time for a little chat.”

Tai checked the rearview. Right on cue, the two sedans came roaring around the curve behind them.

He turned to Tenaya with an exaggerated look of panic. “Yikes! They found us. What should we do?”

She laughed, playing along. “Punch it!”

“Copy that!” Tai whipped the Porsche around hairpin turns.

The sedans struggled to keep up on the tight road, unable to hold their lines as well as the purpose-built sports car.

“Half a mile ahead, take a right into the cul-de-sac,” Paige advised over comms. “You’ll have drone coverage. Get ready.”

Tai eased off the gas as they approached the turn. Behind them, the sedans were closing fast, certain they had their prey trapped.

“Wait for it...” Paige said.
