Page 75 of Killer Sins

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Her dad gave her a knowing look. “Something on your mind, honey?”

Tenaya blinked back sudden tears. “It’s stupid. I just thought...I guess I misread things between us during the case.”

“Hard to misread that one. Tai wears his heart on his sleeve.” He patted her hand gently. “Give him some time. I have a hunch he’s just working through some things.”

Tenaya melted back against the bed, deflated. The giddy joy of waking up alive with Tai next to her faded faster than that last morphine shot. It was her. She knew it.

Whatever feelings Tai had been on the verge of professing before they captured Jarrod had evaporated.


Alone in Tenaya’s condo, Tai shoved aside the silken shirts and Italian leather shoes he had worn for his undercover role, stomach churning. Packing up these fancy trappings underscored how false it had all been: the clothes, the persona, the glimmer of a life he might share with Tenaya after the case ended.

He dragged a hand over his face, emotions churning. Seeing Tenaya take that bullet meant for him had shaken him to his core. He kept replaying the scene in his mind, watching her slender body crumple, seeing the agony twist her delicate features.

It was a visceral reminder of how he had failed to protect her. Of how much worse things could be next time. And there would be a next time. His work meant Tenaya would be in constant danger, whether from the Consortium or the villains they pursued. Not unlike the danger Graham had unknowingly put her in as a child.

He sank onto the bed amidst the pile of discarded designer clothes. He couldn’t risk her life again. She deserved peace and stability, not a life on the run with a battle-scarred Marine. As much as it gutted him, he had to let her go.

“When the Lord closes a door...another one opens...” He twisted the sleeve of a silk shirt between his fingers, muttering the careworn phrase over and over, but repeating it didn’t make him feel any better.

“Hey buddy, how’s the packing going?” Bridger called out breezily as he entered the bedroom. “You can keep the clothes, you know. It’s about time you tried out a new style.” His smile faded as he took in Tai’s haggard expression.

“Whoa, you doing okay there?” Bridger asked gently, brow furrowing in concern.

Tai just shook his head mutely.

Bridger gripped his shoulder. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”

Tai scrubbed a hand over his face. “Watching Tenaya take that really shook me up.”

“Yeah, that was rough,” Bridger agreed somberly. “But we’ve been through hell together before.”

“I know, but this was different,” Tai insisted.

Bridger studied him for a long moment. “You’re thinking of walking away, aren’t you?”

Tai could only nod, throat tightening.

Bridger squeezed his shoulder. “Don’t make any hasty decisions. Talk to her. The heart sees things reason cannot.”

Tai swallowed hard. His friend was right. He owed it to Tenaya to talk face-to-face before making a decision that would change both their lives forever.

Bridger’s brow furrowed. “We can’t avoid risks. All we can do is lean on our faith.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“It’s exactly that simple,” Bridger insisted. “You love her, and she loves you. That’s a gift, brother. But it’s a gift that requires courage. I should know.”

Tai’s throat tightened. The words hitting home. But the image of Tenaya’s blood on his hands still haunted him.

“I know, but...watching her take that bullet...” He broke off, choking up.

Bridger nodded. “Talk to Tenaya first before making any decisions. Don’t run from this.”

Tai drew a ragged breath. He wanted to believe Bridger’s words, but talking wouldn’t change the situation. Best to make a clean break. He grabbed the Porsche keys off the counter.

“I’m going to see her now. Going to tell her...” He faltered, then straightened his shoulders. “That I’m heading back to Redemption Creek alone. It’s better this way.”
