Page 78 of Killer Sins

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Yeah. She could imagine. Next time she made it up there, she’d have him drive into town and pick her up. “Maybe I could come for a real visit soon.”

“You bet.”

Huh. His response was enthusiastic, but he waited just a shade too long before responding. Then she noticed his expression. Sheepish. Almost guilty.

She narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on, Dad?”

He pursed his lips.

She stood, arms crossed. “Spill it.”

“The team asked me to come on permanently. After the wedding, I’ll be closing up the cabin and moving to Redemption Creek.”

Pain lanced through her.

Her dad rushed to explain. “I didn’t want to tell you yet, with you still hurting over Tai.”

She could only stare at her dad in shocked silence as his words sank in. He was moving to Redemption Creek. Joining the team she’d hoped might become her community. Her home.

She sank down slowly into her desk chair, feeling like all the air had been sucked from the room, overwhelmed with a wave of grief so potent it stole her breath. She wrapped her arms around herself, willing the tears pricking her eyes not to fall.

Then, as the shock faded, it was replaced by a simmering fury. She wasn’t angry at her father. He deserved to be back among friends. Mostly, she blamed Tai. How dare he reject her and make her lose everything she cared about?

Her hands curled into fists in her lap. Her back straightened, eyes flashing with anger. After everything she had survived, she refused to crumble under one more blow. Tai thought she was too delicate? That she didn’t know her own heart?

“I’m not as delicate as you think,” she insisted, though truthfully, she felt like her shattered heart was pieced back together with old Scotch tape.

Her dad looked both contrite and worried. “I know how strong you are, butter bean. I just didn’t want to see that look on your face.” His eyes filled with tears. “Knowing my girl’s hurting...”

Tenaya felt a pang of remorse for lashing out. She touched his arm. “I’m sorry, Dad. I shouldn’t take this out on you.”

He patted her hand. “It’s alright. I know you’ve got a lot of pain in your heart right now.” Giving her a hopeful look, he added, “Tai will come to his senses eventually. Give him some time.”

Tenaya’s emotions churned, a volatile mix of grief and anger. She grabbed a pen off her desk and hurled it across the room. “This is so stupid. Tai’s making the same mistake you did. Pushing me away ‘for my own good.’“

Her father winced but nodded. “I can’t argue with that logic. I was a fool for leaving you and your mom.”

Tenaya immediately regretted the low blow. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“Yeah you did. And I deserve it,” he said quietly. “It’s nothing but the truth.” He met her eyes. “It’s too late to make it up to your mother, but I’d like to try to fix things with you.”

“Me, too.” Tenaya blinked back tears and pulled him into a fierce hug. However broken her own heart was, she shouldn’t take it out on the people she loved.

When she slipped out of his hold, he gave her a searching look. “The difference here is you have the power to fight back. Mold your own future.”


She didn’t have to accept Tai’s decision. He hadn’t denied that he cared about her. She could fight for what she wanted. What they both wanted.

Ignoring the twinge in her healing leg, she pushed away from the desk. “I’m going to pack,” she declared, new purpose steeling her spine. “I have a wedding to get to.”

Her dad broke into a grin. “How about I drive?”

“You’re on.”

The bands around her heart loosened. She had found the family she never knew she needed. Now it was time to fight for the man she loved.

Squaring her shoulders, she limped out the door. She had a long drive ahead to Redemption Creek, and a stubborn man to convince.

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