Page 13 of Mine

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His stern, stormy grey eyes lingered in my mind, their intensity seared into my consciousness.

The way he’d clenched his jaw when he’d scolded me… The sternness etched into his expression echoed throughout my memory like a haunting storm passing through the middle of the night.

A disconcerting awareness began to unfurl within me—a part of me, unbidden and unsettling, wanted him. The realization brought a flush to my skin, a prickling heat that swept over me in waves.

I shouldn’t be feeling this.

I had a crush on Ryan. He was the one I should be thinking about. He was my age. We’d been in the same graduating class, and even though last night had happened, he was the more reasonable option for me, especially considering the other one in question was my godfather. I forced my mind back to Ryan, but it didn’t stay there. It refused.

Instead, it kept turning back to Nikolaos and my body grew hotter still.

I laid there for a long time, grappling with the way my nipples were hardening beneath my nightshirt and how my legs felt antsy, like I could go and run a mile right now even though I was physically exhausted. My fingers clutched at the bed as I warred with myself.

I shouldn’t be thinking about him this way.

I shouldn’t.

But I am.

And I couldn’t make myself stop.

Tentatively, I unclenched my hands and pressed them against my belly. Heat spiraled up and down my limbs, tingling in the tips of my fingers and the ends of my toes. A soft whimper escaped me as the sensitive bundle of nerves in between my thighs started to pulse.

Pulling in one heated breath after another, I tried to think about anything other than him, but it was useless.

I’d never felt anything like this before, at least not as intensely. Sure, I’d slipped my hand between my thighs late at night on rare occasions, but not like this, never thinking about my godfather. Before, I’d thought about Ryan kissing me. Sometimes he liked to brag about how good he was at going down on a woman, and I’d simply sat there and blushed and imagined him doing that to me.

Something about Nikolaos, though, made me think that he would do it far, far better.

Maybe it was because Ryan was a boy and Nikolaos was a man.

“Just don’t let it happen again.”

His words played over and over again in my mind, and I remembered how that single sentence had petered off, like he was going to say something else, and the words had died on his tongue.

Or else…

Or else what?

My mind whirled with possibilities. Would he scold me? Would he take away his financial help, or worse… would he punish me?

I gulped at the heavy meaning in that single word. My fingers twitched against my stomach, and I bit my lip, squirming against the bed a little at the sheer heat raging inside of me.

If he was going to punish me, how would he do it?

Instinctively, a part of me knew. I’d seen his broad hands clench around the wheel and the image of those same hands smacking my bottom flashed before my eyes.

Oh my God! What is wrong with you?”

The last thing I wanted was for him to put me over his knee like he was my daddy giving me a spanking for being a bad little girl who’d been so naughty that she needed to be put over his knee.

My body definitely didn’t agree with my head though. Instead of deciding that my mind was certifiably insane, the rest of me thought that was a grand idea and pulsed with another sharp surge of heat.

I licked my lips and opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling as I tried to reign in the naughty thoughts spiraling in my head, but it was quickly becoming more and more useless.

What would it feel like if he took me over his knee? Would he spank me over my jeans or would he take them down? My sharp intake of breath was audible when I thought about something even more shameful.

What if he pulled my panties to my knees, bent me over his knee, and spanked my bare bottom?
