Page 55 of Mine

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Maybe there could be something between us after all.

I allowed myself to hope.

“Yes sir,” I whispered.



I shouldn’t have come to any of these meetings.

The only thing I could think about was the tight grip of Maci’s pussy as I took her hard over that table, of the sweet look in her eyes as she rode me to orgasm again and again, and the tender hope painted all over her face when I’d announced that my room was now our room.

As I sat in the midst of yet another crucial business meeting, my mind should have been focused on the intricate web of decisions and strategies being discussed. I was a man known for his steadfast attention to detail and my formidable presence in the boardroom. But today, my usual ironclad concentration was besieged by a relentless distraction—her.

The image of her, the memory of her touch, the scent of her that still lingered on my skin—it was as if she had cast a spell over me and I couldn’t break free of it.

It was unsettling. I wasn’t a man accustomed to being swayed by emotion, to allowing personal matters to intrude upon business ever, and here I was, letting her cloud my mind like a vision.

I was caught in a vortex of thoughts and feelings that I couldn’t seem to escape. Her smile, the sound of her laughter, the way she looked up at me with those captivating eyes.

She was perfect.

I found myself analyzing every moment we shared, every exchange, every touch. There was an intensity between us that I couldn’t shake off, a connection that seemed to be growing stronger with every passing moment.

Honestly, it was dangerous. It was making me rash.

Maybe blowing up those ships took it a step too far…

I tried to refocus, to bring myself back to the present, but it was futile. She had infiltrated my thoughts, a sweet and potent distraction that made the numbers and reports in front of me seem entirely inconsequential.

I couldn’t wait to be free so that I could return home to her.

Finally, when the endless meetings and discussions drew to a close, I was left with a profound sense of relief.

I couldn’t wait to hold her again.

Upon arriving home, I found that the house was quiet, a stark contrast to the hustle of the day. It was late as I made my way to the bedroom, where I found her already asleep, her form a peaceful silhouette in the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains.

She was so beautiful.

Gently, I climbed into bed beside her, careful not to wake her. As I drew her into my arms, her warmth and softness were a welcome comfort. Her hair, spread across the pillow, released a delicate scent of lavender from her shampoo. It mingled perfectly with her own unique scent, a fragrance that was inherently Maci—subtle yet utterly enticing.

Her skin was soft under my touch, smooth and inviting. I ran my fingers through her silky hair, marveling at its softness, each strand slipping through my fingers like fine threads of the most expensive silk.

As I lay there with her in my arms, the trials of the day melted away. The simple act of holding her, of feeling her nestled against me, made the end of my day absolutely perfect.

I didn’t know why I allowed myself this small comfort. I didn’t know what it was about her that made me feel this way.

But I did.

I allowed myself, for tonight.

* * *

The next morning, I woke up with Maci still nestled in my arms. I took a moment to simply watch her, to appreciate the quiet beauty of her presence. Her breath was a soft, rhythmic whisper against my chest.

The warmth of her body against mine was heavenly. The scent of lavender still lingered in her hair, now mixed with the faint traces of our shared pillow, creating a scent that was uniquely ours.
