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“Doing well, except I don’t get to come here as often as I’d like anymore.”

“We’re not that far. I’m always here for free ice cream, and you can help out any time you want.” He looked at Millie. “Bruno was my best worker, never had anyone as responsible as him ever again.”

“Jaxon—” I began.

“It’s true, and I stand by it. Now, who is this young lady?”

My date gave him an immediate smile. “I’m Millie. It’s really nice to meet you.”

Jaxon gave her a huge smile back. “Likewise. Bruno’s never brought a girl to meet me before.” He said this while looking at me and giving me a wink.

I internally groaned but also beamed at the truth of his words. It wasn’t something I had planned, but when I drove out to pick up Millie today, I hadn’t even questioned the thought that I’d bring her by to meet Jaxon today. He took me in when I needed someone—someone who wasn’t Dad breathing down my neck.

“Well, what can I serve you?” Jaxon said, going back behind the counter.

I gestured to the counter, illustrating the wealth of flavors, and Millie ordered bubble gum-flavored ice cream. The building was painted the exact same color as this flavor. Jaxon was the most kid-like business owner around these parts. He wanted people to remember how to have fun. He had an arcade and a pinball machine in the corner, a jukebox that played oldies and modern music, and a variety of booths and tables to sit at, including an airplane and a yellow school bus. It was a kid’s paradise.

Once we’d gotten our ice creams, the two of us found a seat on the sofa by the window.

“When did you work here?” Millie asked.

“After I finished high school. My brother, Brandon, was finishing up school here and getting ready for law school. I thought I’d come up and spend some time with him. He housed me, and I wandered around Crystal Lake discovering stores and people and seeing the sights.”

“Is that how you found the place where we went for dinner and this ice cream shop?”

“Yup. Jaxon took me in when he saw how lost I was. Gave me a job scooping ice cream and talking to customers. It really got my spirits up knowing I had a purpose. I found the speakeasy place shortly after.”

“How about your other siblings? Is your family close?”

“We are.” I chuckled. “But being the youngest, I’m sometimes left out of knowing what’s happening on a daily basis. I felt like I was drifting. Jaxon helped give me a purpose.”

“I’m sorry to hear you were going through that.” Her hand found mine, giving it a squeeze. Her touch felt so good that I flipped my hand around so I could wrap my fingers around hers. We sat like that for a bit, enjoying each other’s company.

I looked at my thumb rubbing along the back of her hand and wished, not for the first time, that I was free to claim her. I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted her to decide now if she wanted me or Jacob. My wolf definitely agreed. If it was up to him, she would already know.

“What do you do?” Millie asked, breaking the silence.

“I help my dad run Sugarville. My family owns the town, and we have to make sure everything is running smoothly for the people who live there as well as the visitors.”

“Wow! Your family owns a whole town?”

“Yeah, it’s not that big, but we love it. It’s full of trees, which suits my love of nature.” I tried to gauge her reaction to my mention of nature again, but she only had a curious look on her face. I wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“Can you tell me more about your family?” she asked.

“Well, there’s my dad and mom. They’re fantastic, a really strong foundation. They’re the backbone to our p . . . family.” I want you to be part of our pack. “My dad is assertive, Mom is loving. Then there’s Dredge, who’s the oldest. He’s our half-brother, but he’s as close to all of us as if he was our blood sibling. I have one sister. Sandy came five years before me, and she is bullheaded. Thank goodness for that because . . . well, she needed that personality to get through the crap she’s had to go through. Luc is next, and he’s . . .” Can’t tell her he’s going to be alpha. “He’s serious and has just found the love of his life. After him is Brandon, who was the one who got his law degree and worked here in Crystal Lake. Then there’s Jacob, who’s our planner. He drives us crazy with his spreadsheets and sticky notes. Everything has to be planned out with him. Thank goodness he has found his m—” I looked at Millie and choked on the water I had picked up to drink. His mate was sitting in front of me, and her attention was completely focused on me.

“Are you okay?” She reached over, dabbing her napkin on my mouth.

“I’m okay.” I gave her hand a kiss. “Thank you.”

“Good. Thought you had seen a ghost or something for a second.”

“Nothing of the sort.” Though, at the mention of ghosts, I wondered if she believed in them. It would make things a little bit easier if she already believed in the paranormal.

“Do you have any other siblings? You have quite a big family.”

“I assure you that’s all, apart from a cousin called Ray and her brother, Daniel, on my dad’s side. You would like Ray. You and her are alike in some ways.”
