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“You’re doing great. Keep relaxing, Lira.”

I suddenly saw Bruno’s hand. I focused on his hand, willing him to appear. Inch by inch, his arm came into view, then his shoulders, then his neck and back, before being followed by the back of his head. Then Bruno’s other arm appeared, and when I looked down, the rest of his body was there too. That same mist was in front of us, floating there in an ominous cloud.

Focusing back on his hand, I tried to trace it. This time, a slim wrist appeared, followed by an arm that looked familiar, and then a shoulder that led to the profile of?—

I gasped, my eyes popping open.

“You saw more?” Charli asked, floating serenely in front of me.

“I saw me.”

She smiled as if she’d known this all along. The doorbell rang right then, and Charli dissipated.

I sighed and headed downstairs. When I answered the door, my mouth almost dropped open. I ran into Bruno’s arms, and he held me there, tight against his chest. I felt like I’d come home. That finally, I was on stable ground. “You came.”

“Were you expecting me?”

“Miti said you were coming, but then you didn’t come when I thought you would.”

He laughed. “Miti always knows what’s about to happen but often not exactly when, which, I guess, is something you’ll learn how to do in time too.”

I pushed back a bit and looked him in the eyes. “You’re not shaken that I’m a witch?”

“I’m a wolf shifter, sweetheart, and my grandmother is a witch. I am the luckiest brother in my family yet, because my mate can join me in my world with her own powers.”

“Your mate?”

His hand came up to cup my face, and I leaned into his touch. His thumb started tracing circles around my cheek. “You’re my mate, Lira. I don’t need you to believe me right now, but just know that I will go anywhere to find you. I will always protect you; you’re safe with me.”

If any other guy had said this, I would have stomped on his foot, jammed my knee into his groin, and made a run for it. But with Bruno, it was different. I felt his words flow through me, and I knew they were true. Every cell in my body had calmed down, and I felt safe and grounded.

“You two are letting out all the heat,” Charli said, appearing next to us.

“Hi, Charli, good to see you again,” Bruno said.

“And you, too, my dear boy. I’m glad you finally made it here.”

I looked between them. “You two know each other?”

“Miti is my grandmother. She took me with her to meet Charli once. It was my first time meeting a ghost.”

Charli bobbed up and down. “You were about fifteen at the time. Miti always had high praise for you.”

“Thanks, Charli.” He looked abashed, which made me hug him tighter.

“Would you like to come in?” I asked.

“I would.” He lifted his hand, illustrating the paper carry bag he was holding. I could detect the smell of something delicious. “I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered some dinner from the local pub. I thought we could talk over dinner.”

“Sounds perfect,” I said with a smile.

Once we were situated at the dining table, I turned to Bruno. “How did you find me?”

He gave me a grin. “I’m a wolf, sweetheart. I tracked you. Millie gave me a key to your San Francisco house, and I found your smell lingering in certain rooms. Then I found an old letter in your desk drawer that didn’t match the other letters and supplies in there. I didn’t open or read it, but I looked at the address, and that led me to this town, which makes sense knowing now that you’re a witch.” I shrugged. “Miti needed me here as well, so here I am.”

I just stared at him, which made him laugh.

“I told you that I’ll always find you, Lira. But I’d love it if you’d let me try to win you over for good.”
