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I was worried about Dad. What if he died? What would happen to all of us? He hadn’t named his successor yet, even though we all knew it’d be Luc. Pacing around my room, I also realized three of us were without a mate, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be next in line.

With these thoughts in mind, I walked into Jacob’s place and would have done my usual unload, but Jacob seemed extra perturbed today.

“Talking to yourself again?” I asked as I plopped myself down next to him on the couch.

“I thought I could be alone today,” he replied accusingly.

“You’ve been acting weird, and as the only brother who’s left to actually hang out with, where else am I supposed to go?”

“Live your own life?”

“Nah, that’s boring,” I replied flippantly, trying my best to ignore his dig.

But Jacob wasn’t having it. “Why don’t you go and find a cure for the pack then, if you’re so bored,” he snapped.

That hit home, and I cringed. “No need to be so harsh.”

Jacob got up and started pacing, making me wonder what had gotten into him. But my nagging thoughts about Dad wouldn’t go away. “Hey, you think Dad is going to die?” I blurted.

This got his attention. He sat back down next to me. “Dad is the strongest wolf shifter we have ever known, right?”

I nodded, instantly feeling my shoulders relax at the reminder. Nothing can happen to Dad.

“Miti has already taken blood samples and is running tests,” Jacob continued. “I heard Dredge finally told Dad and Miti what Pac had given him. His blood should help us figure out what is going on. There’s not much any of us can do until we find out what was in the tonic Pac was feeding us.”

I swallowed. “Do you think we’re all going to die?”

“No. I don’t think anyone is going to die. Miti will find a solution,” he said, this time with more force.

“Okay.” It was enough for now. If Jacob believed that, I would try my best to believe it as well.

“You need to take your mind off of things, Bruno. How about you come up with a list of songs for Brandon and Becca’s wedding?”

That got my attention. “Don’t they need to pick their own songs?”

“They’re going to pick their first dance and walk-out music, but you’re going to be the DJ.”

“You’re telling me I get full control of the dance songs?” The smile on my face grew at the possibilities.

“Yes,” he said with a sigh. “Now, given you have a task to sink into, go somewhere else. I have a lot on my mind.”

But instead of getting up, I settled back into the couch even more. “Nah. I’m good right here. Why don’t you dump some of the stuff on your mind on me instead?”

Jacob studied me, and I saw the moment he came to the realization that I wasn’t going anywhere. There was something bugging him and, knowing Jacob, he would ruminate on it, come up with a plan, and not ask for help. But if I bugged him enough, he would tell me and then let me help him.

“I—” His face was flushed, and he’d rubbed his hand through his hair so much that I’d never seen it so messy. He reminded me of Luc and Brandon when they had met their mates . . .

“You met someone!” I exclaimed.

“What? How do you know that? I mean?—”

“You’re blushing!”

He turned away from me, and I could see his neck turning pink.

“You’re blushing so hard,” I said, falling onto my side, laughing. I’d guessed right!
