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“This is the biggest house I’ve ever seen!” Millie said.

We both turned to look at Mom as she entered the house.

“What do you think, Mom?” I asked.

“It’s just like the pictures I’ve seen of it.” Her voice was quiet, and I put an arm around her to comfort her.

It had taken a while to convince Mom to come visit, but after I told her Bruno and I were engaged, she had hopped right on a plane, saying she had to meet her son-in-law.

Bruno came in then, looking as handsome as ever. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Chan.”

“Please, call me Lottie. And it’s nice to meet you too.”

“I hope you can stay for a while,” Bruno said.

“I can for a couple of days, but I must get back to my husband. He doesn’t do well alone.”

“Mom,” I said, “why don’t you and Dad come join us for a couple of weeks? You could get to know our family’s house a bit and meet Charli.”

Mom was silent as she looked around, and I was sure she was overwhelmed at being here.

“There’s a whole library on the history of our family,” I added.

“I don’t know. I’ll have to see,” Mom said.

“Please think about it,” Millie said. “We miss having you and Dad around on a regular basis.”

Mom looked over at us. “Is that how you two feel? That your dad and I have not been present?”

“Well, after Dad got successful, you and he started traveling, and Millie and I went to a boarding school. We stopped hanging out,” I said.

“Oh, sweethearts.” Mom came over to encircle us in her arms. “I’m sorry you felt that way. Your dad and I weren’t allowed to go anywhere or do anything without one of our parents chaperoning us when we were in high school. We thought you two were old enough to have your independence. We didn’t think you two would want to keep being with your parents all the time.”

“Well, can we try now to be together a bit more?” Millie asked.

“Yes, I’ll talk to your dad, and we’ll figure something out.”

“I love this scene,” Charli said, swooping in.

Mom screamed and jumped behind me.

“Mom, it’s okay, this is Charli.”

“Lottie,” Charli said. “It’s so good to finally meet you.”

“Hi . . .” Mom’s eyes were so big I was afraid they might pop out.

“Charli, you could have waited for me to call you,” I chided.

Charli shrugged and smiled before floating away.

“Why don’t we show you to your room, Mom.” I nudged her in the direction of the stairs. “Bruno, could you bring her bags up for us?”

“Of course,” he said.

We led Mom to her room, where she waved us away, saying she needed some alone time. I suspected that also meant not seeing Charli for a bit. I knew that feeling all too well, so I closed her door behind me and led everyone back downstairs.
