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I looked around and saw the room contained a big fireplace and a cauldron that was large enough to fit me in. There were people everywhere. Some were churning the cauldron or polishing swords while wolf shifters were shifting back and forth from wolf to human form and attacking each other, a strong odor of sweat and blood lingering in the air.

“Trixie! Take Finn to his room,” announced Esmi.

At her voice, I came back to the present moment. “Hey, what about the love potion?”

“Dear,” she said, putting a sharp nail under my chin and lifting my face up so I was looking into her eyes.

I gasped, because before me was not the beautiful woman I had seen in the jail cell. Instead, what stood in front of me was now a haggard-looking witch with a hunched back. Her eyes were black as night, and she exuded an aura of evilness that made me want to shrivel up and hide.

The cackle that came out of her mouth made me cringe. “You don’t get that until you prove your loyalty to me.”

Trixie came then, and I was shocked. “I know who you are!”

She laughed. “Good to see you again, Finn.”

“You didn’t need my help.”

“I certainly did not. But you came in handy, especially when you were featured on the video footage in the floral shop.”

I stared at her, dazed. She took my arm, and we started walking away.

Getting my faculties back in order, I asked, “Where are we?”

“We’re in our own world at the moment. Esmi created it.”

I froze. Esmi created a world?

“Don’t get all bent out of shape about it. She didn’t create a whole world; it’s an illusion, mixed in with some world-building. To be honest, I really have no idea about any of the details. I just know this is why Miti and her sister witches can’t find us. Esmi is a genius.”

“How do you get here?”

“With my power. I’m really good at traveling long distances.”

“I see . . .” Not really, but my thoughts had frozen.

“Just do what she says, and your life will be safe,” Trixie said as we walked up the winding staircase.

“What happens to my life if I?—?”

“You hear the howls?” she asked, cutting me off.

“What?” I paused to listen, and sure enough, there was a mournful howling coming from outside. It was constant, as if many wolves were taking turns so the mournful sound never ended.

“That’s the wolf shifters who didn’t do what Esmi said. She turns them permanently into wolves and locks them up in her barn. I’m not sure she feeds them, either. That could be your ending if you don’t listen to her.”

I shuddered. “What is this place?”

“It’s your worst nightmare,” Trixie returned. “And now you’re stuck in it.”

I shuddered again and let out my own mournful howl. Would I ever see Suzy again? What kind of deal had I agreed to?



“Are you relieved Pac is gone?” Lira asked me.

I didn’t answer at first. It was a convoluted answer. Yes, I was relieved. But was I happy? No. Why? Because I didn’t get the chance to get rid of him myself. So, did I get closure? No. But then again, I didn’t think I’d ever get closure. Better to just keep my answer short.
