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“Trapped how?”

“She was in my body and kept me from being able to speak. Everyone thought my skills were hers, and she had the apartment, the money, and the com. If she had to separate from me for any reason, she sedated me and left me unconscious until she returned and resumed control.” She smiled grimly. “She can’t do that again. Now I can finally heal myself and keep my own power to myself.”

“Is she like you?”

“Like me? No.”

He suggested, “She could work in espionage.”

Ysma shook her head. “No, she couldn’t.”

“Pardon my curiosity as the flight continues. Why can’t she?”

“She makes her subject look like herself. She’s wearing the body for support. You cease to exist.” She chuckled. “I just got my face back.”

“It is a very nice face. Why are you wearing a team suit?”

“It shifts with me.”

“Ah. So you know about the trackers and light radiation of the suit?”

“Yes. My own energy emissions block out that of the suit, and I removed the trackers.”

“So, if you fall, you really will just disappear.”

She chuckled. “Story of my life.”

He nodded and suggested a slight course correction, which she made and then turned up the speed.

Twenty minutes later, she saw the large island, and then she began seeking for the anomaly.

They shot past the island, and she asked, “Where do you want me to drop you?”

“Five minutes from the wave. Just dump me, and I will clear the animals from the path.”

“Oh, that’s sensible. Right. I can feel it, and it is a bit of a bastard.”

They got close to the wave, and she started to slow. She looked at him. “Time to get wet.”

He grinned and nodded. “Discard me. I will find you when this is over.”

She nodded and lowered them to just over the surface. She dropped him. He fell for a few feet, took a huge breath, and she could feel the sonar pulse that he was projecting.

Ysma narrowed her eyes and went to find the wave. It looked small, but the water was very deep. She checked the speed and flew back, finding a reef that she apologized to. The giant form wasn’t one she got to use often, but she settled on the reef as carefully as she could, gathered a wall of water five miles wide, and pushed it toward the wave.

She waited and kept her mind pushing the water to match the approaching disaster, and when they collided, a searing pain ran through her mind. A spout of water shot up as the walls connected, and she held the collision as long as she could before shrinking back to normal size and flying back the way she had come.

She started to see fish and mammals under the water, and they were returning to the wave point. Ysma tried to get a link on Xeva, but her brain told her what was happening. She was tired.

She smelled blood and touched her nose. There was some red. She wiped her eyes and ears, and there was more of it. Joyous. Well, it explained the line of sharks following her.

A jutting outcropping of lava rock looked nice and safe, so she landed high up and made herself a comfortable spot to rest. The sun was at her back, and she was safe and warm. Time to rest.

Soft murmurs were around her, and a warm, wet cloth was pressed on her face. Ysma tensed, and the hand on her stilled. She tried to open her eyes, and they were stuck.

A female voice said, “Easy. The blood fastened your eyes shut. We are cleaning it off.”

Xeva’s voice said, “Listen to Leaf. She’s nearly finished her nursing exams.”
