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Nelith was shocked and then started laughing. “You blew up the bio lab?”

“Yeah. They weren’t happy.”

“I guess not.”

Nelith asked, “How have you lived?”

“Possessed. Plus side, I didn’t need to eat. She had to do the work.”


“I am sure Xeva told you. Zella. My sister. I guess, your offspring.”

“Yes, she mentioned it, but I didn’t understand how.”

“She stepped into me and took over, right down to my appearance. I looked like her and had to watch and heal whatever she chose to do. I developed a resistance to the sedative she was using on me, and I got the hell out of there.”

“Wow. I am glad you got away.”

“Out of the frying pan, into the fire. I am very glad I got to meet you though.”

“As am I. I have to ask, why did you wait until now? Xeva could have called me yesterday.”

Ysma turned darker and darker. She squeaked, “Never mind.”

Dmitri chuckled. “I think it has something to do with the Hyreno standing behind her.”

Nelith cocked her head. “Does it?”

“Yes. The others appeared when I told him he could leave a placeholder on me.”

Yukaro put his hands on her arms. “Is that why you ran off?”

“Yes. If I hadn’t agreed, this wouldn’t have been made clear. I know where they all are.”

Nelith frowned. “Why would that be?”

Yukaro answered, “If she hadn’t agreed, she would be running, and I would be chasing her. Now, she has me at her back, and when the team arrives, I will be with her.”

Dmitri smiled and took Nelith’s hand. “It is a good thing these ladies stand and fight, or we would never catch them.”

Nelith smiled. “I just want to pop in and talk to Xeva, and then we can go somewhere for tea or whatever is common around here. Is it always this hot?”

Ysma chuckled. “Inside and to the left. She is the one under the needle.”

Nelith touched her cheek and then went in.

Ysma was still in Yukaro’s grip.

Dmitri looked at her clothing. “Is there somewhere we can get something for Nelith? She is dressed a little warmly.”

Yukaro smiled. “We can sort you both out if you are staying for more than an hour.”

“Well, we are about to be the catalyst for the Aksallan team coming here. They like to keep tabs on Nelith.”

Ysma nodded. “Sensible.”

Nelith smiled. “You know, aside from the height, you have her features. Nose, mouth, chin, and the way your pinkie flexes when you are stressed.”
