Page 17 of Mystic Mate

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“No need to get testy. I’ve already sent what he needs to your man Shaw. Your mate is welcome to stay here at Windsong. I will personally guarantee her safety.”

“I will keep my mate safe. If I need to move her somewhere, it will be to Ghost Moon Manor.”

“I understand. Resistance, Shadow League, and vampires aside, if you need my help in whatever manner, it’s yours.”

“Thanks, Colby. I just need to keep her safe and get rid of the vampires. Nasty bastards. Do you really think the Shadow League is in league with them?”

“Unfortunately, I do. Strode is willing to enlist the aid of anybody to see himself set up as king of the world.”

“We’ll try and save any documentation or anything informative. If we can get one of them to talk, we will, but…”

“Don’t risk any of your men. Whatever they’re up to, we’ll find out. You think your mate could be of help?”

“Most likely, and, in a weird way, it may be a way to keep her safe.”

Cullen ended the call and made his way back to Ghost Moon Manor. The deep peace that usually came over him as the iron gates swung open and he drove down the long drive seemed to elude him. The manor had never failed to offer him respite and solace, but as the sun sank behind the Aleutian Range, a desperate kind of disquiet began to creep over him like someone allowing a shroud to settle over him.

His mate. He was unsettled because Salem was in Kenai and most likely in danger.

He pulled his vintage Range Rover into the large garage that housed all the vehicles of the estate. With the exception of Cullen’s personal vehicle, pack members were able to sign out whatever vehicle they needed. He arrived just in time for the evening meal and joined his pack, taking his place at the head table.

After eating and discussing what had transpired during his absence—fortunately nothing of consequence—he picked up his laptop and removed it and himself from his study to his bedroom.

As Cullen made his way up the stairs, Shaw said, “Is anything amiss? I mean, I know vampires and you meeting Salem, but anything else?”

Cullen looked his oldest friend in the eye. “It’s not just Salem not being here; it’s that for the first time I can remember, when I pulled into the drive, I didn’t feel as though I was home. I know it sounds wonky, but…”

“I don’t think it sounds wonky at all. My guess is without your mate at your side or tucked away safely, you’ll never have that feeling again. All the more reason to get her home. Colby got us the coordinates. Our men should be in Kenai shortly and we have Salem’s address. As soon as we confirm, we have a couple of places we can use.”

“Thanks, Shaw. It’s been a long day and I want to wash off the smell and taste of those vamps. I’ve got some things to look over, but I’ll do that in my room. If anyone needs me…”

“They’ll need to go through me first.”

Cullen smiled, “Thanks, Shaw.”

Once inside his room, he sat on the edge of his antique four-poster bed and pulled off his boots and his sweater. Dressed only in his jeans, he took them into the walk-in closet, returning his boots to their place and throwing his clothes in the hamper. Cullen had redesigned and renovated the master suite to suit him. He’d taken the adjoining nursery and turned it into a large walk-in closet and primary bath with an enormous shower with all kinds of body and overhead sprays. It had taken him weeks to figure out how to use them all and program what he wanted into the damn thing. It was completely outrageous and over the top—and he loved it.

Hooking up his computer on the antique kidney-shaped writing desk, Cullen began looking through the day’s receipts and emails. Damn it. He should have given Salem his email address and phone number, but he hadn’t. He wouldn’t make that mistake again when he met her for dinner.

When had he decided he would have dinner with her? About half a second after she asked him.

His cock throbbed against the fly of his jeans. He sat back in the chair, consumed by his thoughts of her. He’d always heard that once you inhaled the scent of your fated mate, you were forever lost to her, and no woman but her would do. He believed it. Dinner with his pack had been a sheer act of will. All he could do was think of her—images of her naked in his bed, his shower, the balcony, sitting in his lap in front of the fire. He imagined fisting her long, dark hair as he took her hard and fast or soft and slow. The idea of knotting her was uppermost in his mind. He’d never wanted any female—woman or she-wolf—the way he wanted Salem.

He glanced at the clock on his mantle. He hadn’t realized how late it was. His pack must have waited for him to return. He groaned. He had to get Shaw and Lettie, their cook, to stop doing that. The pack needs came before his own.

He looked at the hard bulge pressed against his fly. “What am I going to do with you? She isn’t a submissive at the club. I can’t just cart her off and have my way with her.”

Wanna bet? His cock had no inclination to do anything but get inside her and in short order, knot and tie her to him. Shaking his head, he headed into the bath, tossing his jeans over the end of the bed. If he was needed in the middle of the night, it was better to have jeans to pull on than some fancy schmancy robe or dressing gown.

He punched in the program he wanted and waited for the green light to say the shower was ready. He stepped inside the shower and moaned with pleasure. God, the hot water felt good. He tried reminding himself they were from two different worlds, and he needed to go slow. But why? She was his fated mate and she would take her place at his side.

Aside from the obvious physical pleasure they would share, he looked forward to having a partner with whom to lead the pack. Some wolves didn’t appreciate that the stronger the alpha’s she-wolf, the stronger the pack. Salem was an alpha and he could easily imagine her not only naked, but in her wolf form. He longed for the day they could run the pack’s range and howl at the moon together.

His balls felt heavy, and his cock was completely erect. Soaping up his hand, he wrapped it around his staff and began to squeeze as he stroked back and forth. He leaned his forehead against the tile wall and let the water beat down on his neck and back. God, the effect she had on him. Already his cock was weeping precum. Applying more pressure and increasing the speed with which he stroked, he imagined it was Salem’s lips—no better yet, Salem’s sweet, tight pussy clenching him.

He imagined having her on her back, his tongue coated in her honey as he settled himself between her legs and shoved his way in. She would take everything he could give her, and he meant to give her plenty. She would scream his name as she came, and then he would drive into her, grinding against her as he filled her with his cum.

Cullen’s balls drew up and the familiar tingle at the base of his spine signaled he was going to come. He groaned heavily as he began to spill warm semen onto the tile floor, stroking until there was nothing left. Relief overcame him and he relaxed, feeling his muscles untense and his mind find calm.
