Page 23 of Mystic Mate

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“Shaw, ask Miska to take Salem’s bag up to the main guest room.” Again, Cullen turned to her, “I think you’ll like it. It has a lovely balcony with a view and has an ensuite bath.”

“Thank you. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.”

“I want you to be comfortable. Let’s head to my study. We can either set up your computer on a secure network and bounce the signal so that it looks like it’s coming from your cabin, you can work in my study, or we can find you a place of your own.”

“I’m only going to be here a few days, Cullen. You shouldn’t go to that much trouble, except the secure network and making it seem like I’m at the cabin would be good.”

“Oh, it won’t be any trouble for him,” said Shaw. “He’s useless when it comes to technology, but it really won’t be a problem for our tech people either. Cullen, Jinx said she managed to crack that database.”

“The SPU or Colby’s?” Salem wasn’t sure who was more surprised, her or Shaw, by Cullen’s question. “Full disclosure.”

Shaw chuckled. “Both. She’s in but keeps running into encrypted files and firewalls on both. She said it’s a toss-up as to which one is better.”

“I might be able to help her with the SPU’s.” It was Cullen’s turn to look surprised. Salem shrugged. “In for a penny, in for a pound.”

Entering Cullen’s study was a bit overwhelming. “Are you all right?” he asked.

“Yeah, that deja vu with your home is pretty strong, and I’ve seen this room specifically.” What she didn’t tell him was that her erotic dreams had included being bent over his desk and fucked hard. There was full disclosure and then there was full disclosure.

Before she could say much more, her phone rang. Salem pulled it out of her pocket and glanced at the ID. It was Charlie. Placing her finger to her lips to indicate Cullen should stay quiet, she answered, putting the call on speaker.

“Charlie. It’s Salem. What’s up?”

“Our people were able to get those vamps rooted out. We think they were in league with one of the shifter clans.” Salem looked at Cullen who frowned and shook his head. “I’m going to need you to use that sphere thingy and see if you can’t find another nest of vampires and gather any information you can from them. Once you have the info, we can move in and mop it up.”

“Are you sure you got all the vamps from the one nest?” Salem asked.

“Absolutely. One hundred percent confirmed.”

Salem ended the call. Either Charlie was lying or was being kept in the dark. She hoped it was the latter. Either way, it looked like she would be working with Cullen even more closely than she thought and would be staying at Ghost Moon Manor for the duration.



“I’m sorry,” said Cullen.

“For what?” Salem asked.

“Your supervisor lied to you.”

“Not necessarily. But either he lied knowingly, or he’s been lied to and truly believes.”

“Neither is good for you.”

“No. It isn’t.”

There was a knock on the door and Lettie came in with food for Salem. Cullen had eaten earlier with the pack.

“Lettie, tell Shaw I need to see him tonight.”

“Yes, Alpha. Now Salem, I wasn’t sure what you wanted for dessert…”

“I can do without dessert. I think I’ve gained weight since coming to Alaska. I’ve been afraid to step on the scale.”

“You look beautiful,” said Cullen truthfully. Why is it that beautiful women with gorgeous curves think they need to look like starving refugees? “The apple crisp is one of my favorites, but Lettie also makes an amazing carrot cake with pineapple and coconut instead of raisins.”

“Sold,” said Salem. “The cake sounds delicious.”
