Page 53 of Mystic Mate

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She began riding him with an increasing fervor that matched the intensity of the way he was playing with her nipples, desperate to lose herself completely in the pleasure he provided. Cullen’s hands gripped her hips more tightly, the strength of his hands digging into her flesh.

Holding her steady, he began to thrust, his movements becoming more urgent and driving her deeper into the well of ecstasy he provided with each powerful movement. The connection between them seemed to transcend the physical, reaching deep into her soul. Salem clutched his shoulders, her nails leaving red impressions as a primal need took hold.

The tension was building within Salem, coiling tightly like a spring ready to snap. She could tell that Cullen could sense it, too. His pace quickened as he chased their release. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony—a dance of passion and desire.

With one final thrust, Cullen sent her soaring as she orgasmed, the pleasure crashing over her in a powerful rush of pleasure. Salem cried out his name, her voice raw with unbridled ecstasy. Cullen’s body tensed beneath her as he, too, found his release, his breath hot against her ear.

Salem collapsed against him, holding him close and allowing the physical intimacy they’d just achieved to settle over them in a kind of protective cocoon. The weight of all they had done and had yet to do seemed to drift away. In that moment, Salem felt herself become she-wolf and embraced this man, her fated mate. There was solace and strength to be found in his arms, and Salem silently vowed that she would do whatever it took to keep them and their pack whole.

Cullen pressed tender kisses along the curve of her neck, his touch a balm to her wakening soul. “You’re amazing,” he whispered softly, his voice filled with a kind of reverence she’d never heard before.

Finally, he lifted her off him, settling her at his side. They lay tangled in each other's arms, basking in the warmth and contentment that lingered in the air.

There was a knock on the door as Cullen kissed her forehead gently before whispering, “As much as I’d like…"

“I know. You’re needed downstairs. Let me grab a shower, and I will join you.”

“I am happy you are through the transition. I would think very soon your she-wolf will make her presence known.”

“Is that a good thing?” Salem asked.

“Very. We can shift and run together. I am looking forward to that. I want you to take it easy for the next few days.”

“I’m going to need to report in.”

“True enough, but it might not be best to tell them all that has transpired.”

“You mean about me becoming a wolf or knowing there’s a mole, but not knowing who it is or who they’re working for?”

He kissed her again. “All of the above. Do you feel strong enough to stand alone in the shower?”

Salem laughed. “Funny, you didn’t ask me if I felt strong enough to fuck.”

“That’s because you were sitting down, and I was here to steady you.”

There was another knock. “Alpha?” called Shaw through the door.

“I’ll be another minute,” he called back. “Be careful, and I can send one of the other she-wolves up if you need help.”

“I’m fine, Cullen. Go be alpha, and I’ll be down as soon as I take a shower.”

Cullen pulled on his clothes, gave her a brief kiss, and left her. She got up off the bed and realized that nothing hurt. It was as if someone had just taken the aches and pains away. She walked into the bath and stepped into the shower. She loved standing under the rainfall showerhead, closing her eyes so the hot, steamy water could roll down her body.

Nothing really felt different, although that last lovemaking session with Cullen had felt more vibrant and more intimate than others. It was as if they were now more finely attuned to each other. He had said she would see her wolf, but that hadn’t happened yet. Thinking of her ancestry, she wondered if any of those who had gone before had been witches, and if any of their magic had been handed down via their DNA.

Getting out of the shower and drying off, she tried to do something ‘witchy’—turning on the water in the sink, moving the soap—something, anything that told her some part of her ancestors had managed to survive. She tried wiggling her nose both with and without the use of her finger on the tip of it.

‘That isn’t how it works,” said someone who was not there.

Salem startled at the sound and glanced around the bathroom—there was no one there. The voice laughed and Salem realized the voice was inside her head.

“Who are you?” she asked.

‘I am the you that used to be.’


The voice laughed again. ‘We are of the same bloodline. I fled the place for which you were named and passed from your realm into the great beyond a long time ago.’
