Page 119 of Knot Here for You

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Midway through my explanation, the doctor comes in. An older beta woman with all gray hair wrapped in a bun at the back of her head, and lines on her face. She has the chemical smell of descenter clinging to her skin. I relax immediately when I see her.

When Sorrel goes to get up, the doctor waves her back down. “No need to leave on my account. Your presence is doing wonderful things for my patient. And I’m always a fan of doing what helps.”

She examines my chart as Sorrel settles into the chair at my side, giving the doctor space to work. Though really, she just touches my forehead and then checks my pulse. “We gave you a suppressant to help slow your heat down. But it’s only a stopgap,” she explains. “Unfortunately, whatever they gave you to induce your heat isn’t something we can negate altogether. Also, with your history of suppressed heats, I’m pretty sure your body really needs this.”

I nod. That is exactly what Dr. Attersby said when I went to see her about getting off suppressants. That the first heat would be long and hard and impossible to navigate without the help of alphas.

The older beta eyes me. “I’m not sure what your situation is… but I would strongly suggest finding alphas you trust in the next… oh, twelve hours or so, and hole up for the foreseeable future.”

I nod again while Sorrel squeezes my hand in support. The doctor continues to eye me. “If you don’t have anyone, we can see about bringing in an easement team. Get you set up in one of the heat suites here?”

I shake my head. “I have RMD. It’ll only make it worse if I try that.” The doctor’s brows arch and I get the impression that although she saw that on my chart, she didn’t actually believe it to be true.

“Besides,” Sorrel pipes up from beside me, jerking her thumb at the door. “Those idiots out there are her pack. They just had to get their heads out of their asses. They wouldn’t let you bring in an easement team.”

She nods slowly, going over my chart with a tad more precision than she did before, a furrow between her brows. “Miss Kinsella, you’ve been living with RMD for nearly seven years?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“And you’ve not had a single natural heat since your first?”


She blows out a breath before she nods, once decisively. “Okay. You don’t seem to have any lasting effect besides your impending heat. So I’m going to start the paperwork to discharge you. I strongly, strongly suggest having your pack start the easing process right away. I’m concerned this heat might be very painful for you, even with their participation.”


She blows out another breath and pulls up a rolling stool, taking up the bed on my opposite side from Sorrel. “Did your doctor not tell you that even with RDM its suggested you have one natural heat every year? That you stop suppressants long enough to let your body do what it does naturally?”

She did. She also tightened her lips in disapproval whenever she realized I didn’t do as she’d ordered. Every year.

“It-it hurt so bad,” I say, not meeting her or Sorrel’s eyes. “Even with the suppressants, it felt like someone was ripping out my insides. I just… I didn’t want to face what it would have been like without the medication numbing me.”

The doctor pats my hand. “And I understand that. But… unfortunately, you’ll have to face the consequences of that now.”

Well, fuck.

She looks down at her clipboard. “I could be wrong about it, but I’d prefer you be prepared. So I’ll prescribe a mild painkiller for you to take with you and orgasms. Lots and lots of orgasms before you even feel the first cramp, ideally. Maybe we can head off most of the pain that way.”

“Would being mated help or make it worse?” Sorrel asks, and I want to slap her. But I also want to know the answer. So I refrain from hitting my friend and look at the doctor for her answer.

She considers for a bit, humming in thought. “Every case is unique and the number of patients with RMD we come across is so limited. I’ve been a doctor for almost fifteen years-”

“Wow, you must have a great skincare routine,” Sorrel mutters, and the doctor flashes her a smile as she continues.

“And you’re the first I’ve met. Granted, I don’t work in an omega clinic, so maybe it’s different for other physicians. I can double check with a colleague at the Omega Clinic, but I believe the bond will settle your heat, make it more manageable. Just like the orgasms.” She pins me with a no nonsense look. “But it’s not something you should enter into lightly. If you’re not ready to take that step with your pack, then don’t. The orgasms should do the trick.”

She looks up and takes in my flaming face, embarrassment dripping out of every pore. A kind smile curls her lips, and she pats my hand. “I’ll go get started on the paperwork, shall I?”

Wordlessly, I nod. While Sorrel does her best not to laugh at me.

When the door clicks shut, she looks at me with a smirk. “Your doctor prescribed orgasms, Vee. Lots and lots of orgasms. You lucky bitch.”

I smack her shoulder and then tug her back onto the bed, where she curls up with me again. “Please, I might die of embarrassment if you keep talking about it.”

Sorrel smacks a kiss on the side of my head. “Okay, I’ll keep mum. Tell me the rest of what happened instead.”

So I do.
