Page 129 of Knot Here for You

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I lift tired eyes to him and he smiles softly, kissing the tip of my nose. “My turn, pipsqueak.”

“Yes,” I breathe. “I’m ready. I’m ready to be complete.”

The smile Ford gives me is dazzling, even as he gently guides me over the tip of his cock. My thighs are a trembling wobbly mess, thanks to the number of orgasms I’ve already had, but there are many hands to support me, to hold me aloft until he’s where he needs to be.

“I don’t think this will take long, Vee,” he admits as I sink onto his thick dick. “Watching you with them got me so fucking turned on. You did such a good job taking their knots. Such a good omega for your alphas.”

I mewl, fingernails digging into his back as he gently thrusts into me from below. “Look at you now, taking my cock when you’re so tired, letting me into your pussy. So fucking good for us, omega.” He keeps murmuring words of praise to me, quiet encouragement, all the while moving inside me with deep, slow thrusts.

He keeps up that pace until I can’t help but move with him, meeting him stroke for stroke. The pleasure coiling in my belly, at the base of my spine, urging me on to find my release. “There she is,” Ford whispers. “That’s it, omega. Fuck me back. Just like that.”

My movements become more frantic, hips rolling in an unpracticed motion. The knot at the base of Ford’s cock swells with every thrust, until I’m whimpering and whining with every downward motion, my pussy stretching over him, until finally, finally, I bear down and he locks in place.

I moan his name as I come, gripping him tight, clamping onto his knot and he growls out my name through gritted teeth, before slamming his mouth to mine and moaning into me. I hungrily lap up the sounds, taking them into my body, all the while rocking gently over him, drawing out our pleasure. Ford’s kiss becomes less frantic, more languid, until we’re hardly kissing at all.

“Mmm,” Ford hums against my lips, one hand cradling the back of my head gently, the other pressed low on my back, like he’s afraid he’ll slip out of me, even though he’s locked inside me. “You feel like mine, Sylvie Grace.”

I stroke my hand down the side of his face. “You feel like mine too.”

Ford smiles and carefully tilts my head to the side, kissing the spot under my ear opposite from where Jackson bit me, and above Davis’s bite. “Here?”

I nod. “Yes. I want everyone to know I belong to someone, that I belong to you. To all of you.”

His hands tighten on me with a possessive growl that is echoed back four fold.

“Mine,” he says just before his teeth break my skin. There’s a sharp moment of pain that is quickly eclipsed by pleasure as I come again, squeezing down tight on Ford’s knot so hard he grunts and pulls his teeth from my skin.

“Now pipsqueak,” he begs. “Please.”

I’m already moving, gripping his silky blond strands in my hand and tilting his head to bare his neck to me. I snap my teeth through his skin with a tender viciousness. I want this more than fucking anything. The last thing I want is to not bite hard enough. He hisses in pain as his blood floods my mouth. Sweet maple and salty bacon. And then he’s there in my chest, nestled right along with the rest of them.

Ford groans in pleasure, his mouth finding his bite and licking it languidly. They’ll all need to do this over the next few days. Bonding bites heal a hell of a lot faster than normal wounds, but only if they’re cared for. An uncared for bite can be painful and get infected, and the bond can suffer because of it.

When he pulls back, his gaze is shining, full of love. I cup his jaw and kiss him. “I love you,” I murmur against his mouth.

I feel him smirk, his lips pulling into a curve. “I know,” he murmurs back.

I snort out a laugh at his Han Solo impersonation. He chuckles too, nipping my bottom lip. “I know because I can feel it, Sylvie. I can feel how much you love me and it’s fucking glorious.”

My nose bumps his as I nod. “I can feel how much you love me, too.” I lift my head and grin at the other four men in the room. “How much you all love me.” My eyes fill with moisture and Ford cuddles me closer. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you. I didn’t…” I choke on the words. “I didn’t know.”

Jackson reaches over Ford’s shoulder to stroke a knuckle down my cheek. “How could you have?”

“You told me,” I say, letting a tear slip down my cheek, following the same path Jackson took. “You told me you loved me and I didn’t believe you.”

“Actions speak louder than words, angel,” Asher murmurs. “We told you, but we didn’t show you.”

“And now you don’t have to, because I feel it.” My hand brushes over my heart.

“Still going to, though,” Davis says. “Every single fucking day we’re going to show you how much we love you.”

I let out a shuddering breath, my tears drying up, and I nod. “I’ll do the same for all of you.”

My eyes find Topher, at the outside of the circle of alphas. Ford slips out from between my legs with a gush of cum and slick, and I crawl over to my beta. “Topher. Why are you all the way over here?”

He watches me come, a small smile on his lips. He shrugs. “Just giving you time with your alphas.”

“Our alphas,” I correct him, crawling into his lap. His hands grip my hips as my arms wind around his neck, pulling him down to my lips. He kisses me hungrily, his tongue sliding along mine as one of his hands comes up to cradle the back of my head, supporting its weight.
