Page 13 of Knot Here for You

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I pull open the door and smile, before turning the camera around so Matty and Beth can see the two women on the other side of my door. “See? Perfectly safe,” I say, flipping the phone back, and opening the door wider so my friends can come in. “I’ll see you on Friday, okay?”

Sadie and Sorrel make themselves at home as I finish up my goodbyes with my family. “You going for a visit?” Sadie asks, moving three throw pillows off my couch to make space for her to fold her willowy body into.

I roll my eyes and drop onto the other side of the couch while Sorrel perches in the oversized armchair. “It has been decreed, and so it shall be.” They laugh. I eye Sadie. “How long are you in town for?”

Sadie works for a pharmaceutical company as a sales rep. It keeps her traveling almost constantly, attending conferences all over the world to hawk the newest advancement in medicine.

She groans and tips her head back. “A month.”

My brows arch in surprise as Sorrel leans forward. “A month, really? Did you get fired?”

Sadie’s chin drops back down and she scowls at the dark-haired beta. “No, I didn’t get fired… I’m…” She slides her hand primly down her thighs. “Management suggested that I take a sabbatical. A paid sabbatical.”

Sorrel and I glance at each other. Already knowing where this is going. “You got caught, didn’t you?” Her bright gray eyes narrow on my face, but I don’t shrink away from her glare. I nod. “You did.”

Sorrel shakes her head. “Just like we told you, you would.”

Sadie is fantastic. She’s smart and pretty and tough. She bakes like a queen and can dance like a goddess. She’s fun and deep and all things you want in a best friend, but she also has terrible taste in men.

Like really, really terrible.

Like fucking her boss and the head of research for her company terrible.

Sadie’s scowl deepens, before she throws her hands into the air. “It wasn’t even good sex! It was subpar at best. I don’t know what is wrong with me. It should have been a hit it and quit it situation, but no, I just had to keep going back for more. Small dick, flabby ass alphaholes. Why do I do this to myself?”

I bite my lip to keep from laughing. It’s not really that funny, but I can’t help it. She’s just so freaking adorable in her exasperation with herself.

“Wine?” I ask, already standing and moving into the tiny kitchen of my cabin. It’s perfect really. Just the right size for an omega. Even if I had to wall off the loft in order to turn it into more of a nest.

“God, yes,” Sadie groans. “I’d take tequila or beer, too. Any alcohol, really.” I arch a brow in question at Sorrel in question and she nods as Sadie keeps talking. “Thankfully, they can’t just fire me. They were both in the wrong too, and if I play it right, I can be all ‘oh, woe is me, my superiors took advantage of me.’ I’m pretty sure they’ll pay me to leave, rather than firing me. Avoid a lawsuit.”

I know how this sounds. Really, I do. It sounds like Sadie is in the wrong, and now she’s using it to get a payout. But they were in the wrong, too. Both of the men she was sleeping with were in positions of power over her and they didn’t have to fall into bed with her. It’s not like they can claim their dicks accidentally fell inside her, multiple times.

Also, I’ve been not so subtly pushing her to move on from the job.

I’ve heard that Apex Pharmaceuticals has been dipping into creating drugs that induce an omegas heat and can force an alpha into a rut. The very thought of having a heat thrust on me unnaturally gives me the heebie geebies. They’re bad enough when they come on naturally.

And that is with the suppressants I take.

She’s also told us—confidentially, of course—they’re trying to use omega and alpha genes and pheromones to create a medication that will enhance the chance of children presenting as an alpha or omega. I’m sure most pharmaceutical companies are doing that under the guise of trying to cure the population. Omega and alpha couples have an easier time of conceiving than a couple with a beta. It would make them literally billions of dollars if they were ever successful.

Especially if they can figure out how to make more omegas. There aren’t a lot of us out there. Which makes us a commodity.

“What will you do after they pay you to leave? Will you work for a different company?” Sorrel asks, tucking her long, wavy black hair behind her ears. She has the most gorgeous glowy tan skin, dotted with freckles, and aqua colored eyes.

Sadie rolls her head along the back of the couch, groaning. “I don’t know. I really don’t want to go back to sales, but I have no clue what else I would do. Nothing sounds right. I don’t have, like, a passion, you know?” I hand her a glass full of white wine, with raspberries and peach slices floating in it. “Oh, pretty. Your omega instincts are coming out.”

I roll my eyes as I hand Sorrel her glass. “Hardly. Lots of people put fruit in wine. It’s called Sangria.”

“None of us have a passion really,” Sorrel says, always willing to steer the conversation away from my omega nature, since she knows I’m not comfortable talking about it. Especially since, for all intents and purposes, I am a beta now. “I mean, when I was a little girl, I certainly didn’t think I’d end up right where my parents were, frying burgers and fries at the Snack Shack.”

Sorrel recently inherited her parent’s business. An adorable little restaurant on the other side of the lake. The food is good, better now that Sorrel’s taken over, but the real draw is the over sized dock that floats out on the lake with fairy lights and tables set up. People can order food and eat it on the lake, then go for a swim.

Or I guess it would be the other way around. Don’t want to swim on a full stomach.

I flop onto the couch and take a large gulp of my wine. “Yeah, and I never thought I’d be an accountant.” I honestly never gave much thought to my future. Other than being a member of the Werth Pack, everything after that was just ephemeral. Not important.

So long as I had them, it didn’t matter what I did.
