Page 29 of Knot Here for You

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My tongue traces the seam of her lips and she parts so beautifully for me, letting me have my first full taste of my girl. She’s sweet, so fucking sweet, like pure honey, and I swear there’s a fruity hint in there, but I can’t place it.

My hand slides up from the base or her neck to grab her ponytail, lace my fingers through the silky strands and pull her exactly where I want her. Another whimper vibrates into my mouth, and it’s enough to make me pause. I pull back, only enough to no longer be touching her lips, but my nose brushes hers, sharing the air from our lungs. I swallow thickly while she leans into me, tilting her head to get contact between our mouths again, just barely. My thumb touches the corner of her lips. I think as a barrier, because I’m in very real danger of just saying ‘fuck it,’ and claiming her now. I’ve never felt so primal before.

“Better, angel?” I rasp.

Her mouth curves up under my thumb. “So much better. Thank you, Ash.”

I groan and press my lip to hers, hard and fast. “Don’t thank me for kissing you, Vee. Never thank any of us for that, okay?”

She pulls back enough to see my face clearly, hazel eyes scanning over me before she nods. “Okay.”

There’s a shout from somewhere nearby. Davis calling for Vee. Her head whips toward the cliff and she grins, stepping away from me. I keep my hands on her for as long as I can, loving the feel of her skin under my palms. But eventually she moves out of reach. I know I should follow her, know in real life I did. But my feet remain stuck to the ground.

“Vee,” I plead, as she continues to move away from me. “Wait. Please.”

Her shoulders lift in a shrug, still grinning, but it’s strained now, forced. “Why should I? You don’t want me anymore.” My heart thuds in my chest. I open my mouth to deny that statement, to tell her we will always want her, but no sound emerges.

“Come on, Asher,” she grins at me, backing up, leaving me. “I’ll race you.”

Before I can say anything, she spins and takes off, bolting for the top of the cliff and the jump that will lead her back to our pack. I want to follow her. I want to be right there with her when she jumps, but my feet stay stuck to the ground as she disappears through the trees.

One heartbeat. Two. Three. And then I can move.

I chase after her, ducking around trees and dodging branches. I break through the tree line just as she reaches the edge of the cliff and flings herself off it without a backward glance.

“No!” I shout, lunging forward, wanting to catch her. The toes of my sneakers kiss the air when I draw up short and look down. I expect to see her falling, or the white ripple of water where she landed. But there’s nothing. Fucking nothing.

No sign that she was ever even there, besides the lingering taste of honey on my tongue.

The dream woke me up early this morning with tears on my cheeks and a painful erection between my legs. I rarely dream, but when I do, it’s always about Vee. It has been since the day she left us. Honestly, I only dreamed about her before that, too. But those were always dreams about our future together, about the life we were going to lead.

Now I only dream about the past. Like my subconscious is still trying to work out where it all went wrong. It shouldn’t have to try so hard. We already know.

It started with the little white lies we told Vee about Yasmin. We didn’t want her to worry about it, to stress about the perfect omega princess taking her place in our pack. But the white lies grew into giant ones, and before we knew it, the whole thing spun out of control.

And we lost her. Sylvie Grace Benson. The only girl I’ll ever love.

Historically, after dreaming about Sylvie, I can fall back asleep. It takes a while and a lot of cuddles with Davis, but normally I can get my emotions and thundering heart under control enough to drift off back to sleep until midmorning.

I’m a stay in bed until the last moment kind of guy. It’s part of why I lay out my clothes the night before, so I can ensure I look somewhat put together when I stumble out of bed for work.

But this morning, I was wide awake before my alarm sounded, wide awake before Davis rolled over and nuzzled into me. A combination of the dream and my own nervous excitement keeping me awake.

Vee is here.

Sylvie is in the city and so close I feel like I can taste her honey on my tongue all over again.

Guilt gnaws at me, right along with the need to do something.

The last time we saw Vee was a disaster. Not just a disaster, a fucking apocalypse. That one party, that one announcement, left nothing but devastation in its wake. We should have gone after her, should have tried to explain before she ran, but she disappeared before we could. Hours after she fled the party, she was gone without a trace.

If only we’d let her know before, gave her some kind of warning of what was coming. But she wasn’t supposed to be at that party. She was supposed to stay in her house until we could pick her up that evening and have the entire night to tell her what was happening.

The last thing we wanted was to tell her about Yasmin with only an hour to hash it out. Which is what would have happened if we’d tried to tell her after Maxim sat us down and explained the situation. Yeah, he only told us an hour before the start of the celebration what exactly we were celebrating: Yasmin joining our pack.

I can’t help but think we should have risked it, though. Sent Vee a message, a warning, something. If we’d been a little more proactive, she wouldn’t have left, and we’d all be together now.

The need to see her beat strong in my chest, despite Jacks demanding that we stay away from her for the time being, until we can find out what she’s in town for. But when I woke up at five this morning, I’d been unable to stay in bed. Disentangling myself from Davis, pulling on a dark hoodie and a pair of black joggers, I followed the once familiar, now overgrown path right to Vee’s grandmother’s backyard.
