Page 43 of Knot Here for You

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I half expect the woman in question to immediately refuse, but all’s quiet on her side of the conversation. She must be on her way to The Snack Shack already. I swear that girl works more than I do. But I guess when you own the only ‘restaurant’ on Lake Kilrose, and the weather is warming up, that’s to be expected.

Especially when it’s the only thing her parents left her. Their legacy, and she is determined to see it thrive.


I doubt a day’s notice is enough time for Sorrel.


Shit. Tomorrow’s Thursday?

My sense of time is all fucked up, since I have nothing to do.


It’s been what? A week?


Shut your pie hole.

I’ll see you tomorrow, Vee!

*kissy face emoji

Rule 11: Its an alphas job to comfort their omega, even if they’re shit at it

Being with you hurts. Its only been two days since we cornered Vee. Two days since she told us about the new pack, the ones that are going to claim her, bite her, bond her.

She left the city after our conversation. Asher followed her to her house two hours away, up in the mountains on Lake Kilrose, just like she said. All this time she’s been so fucking close and we never realized.

A part of me feels like we should have sensed her or something, known just how close she was. It only adds to my guilt that we didn’t. Makes me question if she really is ours, if she really belongs with us.

But then the title of her house isn’t under her name. No, it’s owned by Stefan Kinsella. Some digging on Davis’s part revealed that Stefan Kinsella is the omega of the Alver City Kinsella pack. They also own half of their city and Maxim Werth is salivating for an in with them. He’s approached them several times, but not once has Bethany Kinsella, their prime, entertained the idea of going into business with him. He could never figure out why, but now the reason is clear.

If the Kinsella pack cares enough about Vee to give her their name, they sure as fuck care enough to stay out of business with one of the assholes that hurt her, that tore her apart and kicked her while she was down.

I itch at the knowledge that someone else is providing for her, giving her what she needs. It should be us, only us.

Asher reported back on the hour, every hour, every move that she made. Which wasn’t much, just entering her house, flicking on lights. But in the morning, she packed up her car and came back to the city.

We all took that to be good news. Even better when she moved into the little bungalow Asher found for her. We watched from a few houses down as she carried in armfuls of blankets and pillows, two suitcases, and two large plastic tubs.

It settled something in my alpha to see her moving her stuff into a space that we provided for her. A place that we know is safe, close enough to our new pack house that we can get to her in an emergency, but far enough away that she’ll feel like she has space.

It helps to know that it’s permanent. Or I guess temporarily permanent. She’s staying, and that’s what matters right now. Even after our ambush in Topher’s office, she’s staying.

Maybe she really needs the money from the sale of the house. Maybe she’s just showing that stubborn streak I love so much. Maybe she’s determined that we’ll give up on her now that she’s told us another pack is interested in her, has given her an offer. But she should know us well enough to realize that’s never going to happen.

As a pack, we’re pretty damn used to getting what we want, especially now that we aren’t teenagers anymore. She is the only thing that was out of our reach, that we couldn’t have, couldn’t claim. The literal one that got away.

All that is about to change now, though.

Because she’s in our city and we have no plans of letting her leave, of losing her again. Hell, even if she leaves, we’ll follow her. We know where she lives now, know her last name is Kinsella, know she works as an accountant.

We found her website for her custom hand made hardcover books.

We’re practically drowning in information about our girl now. After years of drought, the deluge is both welcome and overwhelming. Especially when we realize she was right. We should have been able to find her.
