Page 48 of Knot Here for You

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I really should have looked up the address, but I was a dummy who thought that maybe my best friend could put aside the needs of her vagina to talk me through my recent trauma. More fool is me.

I find a place to park a few blocks away, because the area around the club is absolutely packed, and then make my way to the line, scanning it for Sadie. The sight of all the women in their slinky little dresses has me nearly turning tail and running. I’ll text Sadie and just tell her I changed my mind.

But just as I’m about to do that very thing, I hear her. “Vee! Sylvie Grace, don’t you dare!”

I turn back around and find her, nearly at the front of the line, wearing a tight black dress, bright red lipstick and black heeled booties, similar to the ones on my feet. Her light brown hair is pulled up into a bun at the back of her head, with little pieces falling artfully around her face. She looks sexy and perfect.

Her gray eyes scan down my body, taking in my faded black band tee and faux leather leggings. I have on my trusty army green jacket and the aforementioned black booties. I don’t look bad, per se, just not as good as she does. Thank god, I put on makeup before leaving the house.

“You look gorgeous, babe!” She pulls me into line with her, squeezing my arm as she does. When I don’t say anything back, she tips her head to look down at me. Sadie isn’t tall, but she’s not omega short, like I am, so she has a couple inches on me when we’re both barefoot, but her heels have at least two more inches of height than mine, so she’s practically towering over me at the moment. She scowls at whatever she sees on my face. “Don’t look at me like that, Vee! You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to come out with me.”

I bite my lip to keep from smiling at her petulant tone. She’s not wrong. I know what Sadie likes to get up to when she comes into the city. She’s not shy about her sexploits. But… “I thought maybe just this once we’d go somewhere, you know, quiet. So we could talk.”

She wraps an arm around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder as she drags me forward. The scent of sweet cherries reaches my nose, blending in with her normal cucumber and mint beta scent, and I frown. Maybe she got a new perfume or something, but I’m not sure this one meshes with her scent. She should have gone to IndulgeScents, the new company that analyzes your hormones, pheromones and scent profile and then creates custom products to enhance your scent.

They also make all the scent canceling products a girl like me could ever desire.

Maybe I’m just catching a whiff of someone else, though. The number of people around us makes it more likely.

The bouncer runs his eyes over us, assessing. I try my damndest to not let that scrutiny make me wilt, but I can practically see his disapproval. If I was at my full health, I would be all omega and this frowning alpha would be salivating to let me into this club, but as it is, I smell like a beta. Not even a beta, I smell like nothing. And I look like a pasty train wreck.

His frown doesn’t dissuade Sadie, though. She grins up at him. “Hey, there.” She reaches into the bodice of her dress—the bodice, right between her boobs—and pulls out a piece of paper about the size of a business card. She hands it over to the bouncer, who takes it with a raised eyebrow.

“You know you could have come right up to the front with this, right? You didn’t need to wait in line.”

She beams up at him, flashing a dimple in his direction that is somehow sexy rather than cute. “I know, but I was waiting for my friend.” She squeezes me closer to her side. “That will get us both in, right?”

He nods. “Sure, will.” He pulls two wrist bands out of his pocket and attaches them. They aren’t the normal papery ones. No, these seem to be very thin metal wristbands. I’m honestly not sure how we’re going to get them off. “These will get you into the VIP area, up the stairs at the back, and they’ll grant you access to the private rooms if you need them.” I frown. Private rooms? I don’t have time to question that though, because he’s unlocking the velvet rope and stepping to the side. “All your drinks are on the house tonight, ladies. Enjoy yourselves.”

“Oh, fancy.” Sadie admires the way the band shimmers on her wrist as we move past the bouncer. She’s way too fucking pleased with herself, while all of my alarms are blaring. Because how the hell are all our drinks paid for? And the VIP section? What did she do to get access to that?


“Where do you want to go first? The VIP area? Or should we just go right to dancing? Is it weird I want to check out the private rooms?” She drags me into the thumping club. It’s dark, with flashing lights that illuminate that throbbing dance floor.

“Sadie Marie.” I shout at her, digging in my heels, and yanking back on my arm. “Tell me what that is about!”

She sighs and slides her hand into mine, squeezing gently. “Let’s get a drink first.”

I let her pull me to the back of the enormous space, past the writhing mass of dancers and up to a second bouncer standing at the bottom of the stairs. He barely glances at our wrists before he motions for us to go past him.

I briefly wonder if the bouncer at the front of the club called ahead to let him know we’d be coming. The VIP area is quieter, though the music is still fairly loud, seeing as it overlooks the dance floor. There are low couches and tables everywhere, a few booths along the wall, and stools at the bar.

It’s even darker up here, the lights behind the bar and small lamps on the tables the only illumination. None of the flashing strobing lights from the dance floor. I let out a breath as I take in the space. It’s so much better. I can do this. I can hang out up here, but the general admission area is… too overwhelming.

Sadie pulls me over to the bar and rests her forearms on the gleaming surface. The bartender, a pretty beta with a clear customer service smile, comes up right away. “What can I get ya?”

Sadie orders an unblended margarita while I order a paloma. “Oh!” Sadie taps her hands on the sleek black bar top. “Let’s each do a shot of tequila, too.”

Before I can even agree, the woman is pouring out two shots with limes balanced on their rims and a salt shake, before she goes back to making our drinks.

Sadie nudges one closer to me, even as I shake my head. I don’t want to get drunk. I’ve been doing that too much lately—mostly since coming back to town—and I’m worried it’s becoming a problem. But my friend just ignores my protests, picking up my hand and licking the space between my thumb and pointer.

“You’re not going to overthink this, Vee,” she says, sprinkling a liberal amount of salt over the wet spot on my hand and doing the same to herself. “You’re going to take this shot, and then we’ll take our drinks down the bar and talk, just like you want to.” When I still hesitate, she blinks her long lashes at me. “Pretty please?”

“Fine,” I sigh, holding the lime in my left hand and picking up the shot with my right.

“Cheers.” She taps her glass against mine.
