Page 53 of Knot Here for You

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Her cries grow louder, and her cunt gets wetter. I imagine if we weren’t in a club, with the music thumping and the sounds of loud conversations reaching my ears, I’d hear the obscene wet squelch of my finger in her slick drenched channel.

I don’t want anyone to overhear her. These sounds are mine. They belong to me, and I my pack. So I lean closer, pressing my chest into her mouth. “Bite if you need to, angel,” I mutter, feeling the first telltale flutters in her core. The ones that tell me she’s moments away from her release.

Her teeth sink into my collarbone, not enough to break the skin, but stifling her scream as she comes. It’s the sweetest sound, the sweetest feeling, and I am not ashamed to say the experience is enough to make me come. Right there in my jeans. My vision black out as I grind against her hip, moaning my pleasure as Vee trembles with aftershocks, pussy gripping my fingers like she never wants me to leave.

Fuck. I don’t want to either. I’d happily follow Vee around with my fingers inside her for the rest of our fucking lives.

But logically, I know I can’t do that. So I stroke a few more times, drawing out her orgasm as she mewls and whines against my chest, and then I carefully pull my hand from between her legs. Her teeth unlatch and her forehead presses into the spot as she takes gulps of air.

My free hand, the one not covered in Vee’s cum, cups the back of her head, holding her against me, needing this moment to come down. But my mouth is salivating for a taste of her, so while she clings to me, I lift my other hand and lick every drop of her from my fingers, groaning again.

Fuck. I don’t remember her tasting this good. Even with the overlying chemical tang, she’s still fucking delicious. Vee’s head turns, ear pressing into my chest so she can watch me suck on my fingers. I feel her smile against my skin, and I can’t resist bending to taste the curve of her lips. My cock throbs behind the wet spot in my jeans, already growing heavy again, knowing she can taste herself on my tongue.

She pulls back, breathing picked up again, eyes heavy lidded as she looks up at me.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to suggest she come back to the pack house. That she let me strip her down and eat her out. Fuck. I would spend hours between her thighs, just licking her if she would let me.

But I know she’s not ready for that yet. We haven’t proven ourselves to her, and she definitely shouldn’t let us into her body before she trusts us. I wouldn’t want her to.

Still, I don’t want this moment to end. I want to stay here for-fucking-ever. Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to leave, her hands gripping my waist as she leans against the wall. I smooth the strands of her hair back from her face, marveling at the silky texture of her skin, even when it’s sticky with sweat.

Mine, I think. It’s the only thought in my head. That this woman is mine, has always been mine. Even when seven years and a hundred miles separated us. She’s fucking mine.

Her gaze drops, like she can’t take the emotion I’m no doubt beaming at her like a freaking lighthouse. Then she goes still. So fucking still, I’m worried she’s stopped breathing.


Vee’s pretty hazel eyes settle on my chest, my left pec. I glance down and see what’s holding her attention. The double crescent scar. The unmistakable bite mark. A claiming.

Her expression wipes clean as she pushes me back and steps away from me down the hall, closer to the rest of the club. Her walls are back up, this time stronger than ever. Impenetrable. I reach toward her, not really understanding why she’s putting up barriers. Not after what just happened.

But then she utters eleven words that make it all make sense. Fucking everything. “You should wash up before you go home to your omega.”

I stand there shocked at the implication, knowing I need to follow her, need to set this right, but by the time I’ve made my brain connect to my feet, she’s disappeared yet again.

I don’t wash Sylvie off of my skin before I go home. I’m pretty sure my hindbrain wouldn’t let me, even if I wanted to. Instead, I make my way through the silent house, up to Davis’s room. We have our own rooms in case we ever need space, but most nights we sleep together.

I strip off my clothes, leaving them in a heap on the floor that I know will piss Davis off tomorrow, but he’ll forgive me when he catches a whiff of Vee’s honeyed nectarine scent clinging to the fabric.

I slide in behind him, curling my body around him while he groans sleepily and wiggles closer to me. I silently slide my hand up his throat, gripping it for a moment before continuing my journey up to his mouth.

I know the moment he smells her on my skin. His body tenses as his mouth opens on a groan, and I slip my fingers onto his tongue. He laps at them eagerly, sucking even though I know there isn’t much left.

By the time he’s done, my cock is hard again. He rolls toward me, capturing my mouth with a hungry kiss, like maybe he thinks he’ll be able to taste her on my tongue. Our cocks bump and rub against each other. And I reach between us to fist them both.

Davis groans, his nose burying in my neck. “Fuck. You smell like her.”

“I know,” I pant out, thrusting into my fist, sliding against his hard length. “I can’t be slow right now, Davis.”

His teeth bite at my neck, and he nods. “That’s okay, I don’t want you to be.” He licks his way down my chest as my thrusts get more frantic, no finesse, only seeking a quick release while Vee perfume lingers on me. He’s right there with me, cock dripping pre-cum, thrusting into the tight fist of my hand.

He kisses his way down my chest, finding the spot where Vee sank her teeth in, a faint red love bite bruising the skin. He groans again and I know he can taste her better there.

“Fuck,” he rasps. “Fuck. I’m gonna come. Shit.”

He bites the spot, replacing the sensation of Sylvie’s mouth with his own, and I growl at him, even as my balls tighten and I feel my second orgasm of the night spiraling toward me. My free hand draws back and smacks Davis’s ass. One sharp spank in punishment that has him crying out. Hot ropes of cum splash against my stomach, over my hand, soak into the sheets, as I tighten my fingers and thrust a few more times while Davis whimpers.

My vision goes dark again, with bright pinpricks of light, like fireworks exploding behind my lids, and my cum joins his. Making a sticky mess of both of us.
