Page 56 of Knot Here for You

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You good?


Yeah, I’m good. Sorry, an asshole took my phone for a second.

He says I can’t leave… but not in a creepy way…

In like a sexy way… *winkyface emoji

You know, like he wants to fuck me again.

I blow out a breath and chuckle. That is the Sadie I know and love. She sounds like she’s doing okay, Like she’s enjoying herself. Which she definitely deserves. I don’t begrudge her that, but I could really use some of her energy as a distraction right about now. I need to talk to someone about what happened with Asher last night.

But I guess that will just have to wait.

Maybe we can do a video chat with Sorrel later tonight or something.


That’s the thing that ‘came up’

His dick, Vee. I’m talking about his *eggplant emoji


Yeah, I gathered that from when you said ‘dick’, Sade.

I trust that it’s Sadie now, but I still want to be sure she’s actually okay. Being caught up in my own drama doesn’t give me the right to be a shitty friend. Especially when she’s with people I don’t know.


Hey, remember that time we got lost in the woods?


You worried about me, Vee?

Don’t worry, I’m fine.

A second later, a series of photos come through the phone. A skyline view. The street just below the building. A grinning man with white blond hair that definitely was not one of the guys I saw her with last night. A picture of the two men from the bar cuddled on the couch. Another red haired, freckled man with glasses and tattoos on his bare chest pouring a cup of coffee. And finally, a picture of Sadie herself, grinning like a loon with a scowling man with black hair in the background.

I let out a breath. Now I have the information I need to find her if necessary and pictures of the people she was last with.

Just like when she and I went on a hike without Sorrel. Sadie went off the trail, claiming she knew exactly where we were. We got lost. But thankfully, by sending Sorrel pictures of our surroundings, she was able to find us and guide us out of the woods.

Thank god for satellite phones.


Good. Tell them if I don’t hear from you tonight, I’m going to the police.


Aw, you really do love me.


You know I do.
