Page 7 of Knot Here for You

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And now I’m worthless to her.

I’m werthless to everyone.

Rule 2: Listening to your prime alpha is paramount, until it isn’t

Seven years ago…

We never should have gone along with this. Never. We had other options. All of us are adults and can make our own damn decisions. Even Davis, the youngest of us besides Vee, is almost nineteen. We should never have fucking agreed to this.

“Can you go any faster?” I growl at Jackson, who is already burning rubber. He has his foot pressed down on the accelerator and we’re going nearly a hundred on a street with a speed limit of thirty-five. He snarls at me, but doesn’t look away from the road.

Good thing too, because if he did, we’d probably all die before we have a chance to explain to Vee.

I’d tried to go after her, tried to follow her out of the ballroom. But Yasmin had stepped between us, looking up to me with her gold eyes that I hate, but everyone else talks about how beautiful they are. Her fingers pressed into my chest and she smiled prettily up at me. “Don’t you fucking dare leave this party to go after her. You’ll ruin everything.”

So, even though my alpha was begging me to find the one girl who makes me feel whole, I’d stayed. I’d stayed for three fucking hours. Through drinks. Through dinner. Through dancing. I’d stayed through the goodbyes and the signing of the pack contract that made me want to puke all over Yasmin’s pretty white dress.

And now I’m feeling damn near feral.

Vee hasn’t answered any of our texts. We didn’t dare call, not while everyone was watching us with such keen eyes. But we sent message after message. All unanswered.

“She wasn’t supposed to be there,” Davis says from the back seat. He sounds wrecked. He looks wrecked. We all do. “He promised she wouldn’t be there.”

I snort. “Yeah, well, Maxim Werth isn’t exactly known for his honesty.”

Asher makes a distressed humming sound and Davis shifts to lean into him, trying to sooth his mate, even though he’s struggling too. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of that, of their ability to lean on each other, offer comfort. Davis and Asher knew a long time ago that they were mates, even before we met Vee. Topher and Jackson are the same. But for me? It’s always been Vee. Only her. No one else.

And now we’ve broken her heart. I can’t get the sound she made out of my head, that agonized whine that made my alpha instincts to go to her, to make it better, swell. I think she broke my heart with that noise, too. And the look on her face? The utter heartbreak, the shattering of all her dreams?

Yeah, that’s going to haunt me for fucking ever. But it’ll be better once we see her, once I can hold her and reassure her that everything is going to be okay.

I glance down at my phone, at the string of unanswered texts.


Don’t do anything rash, baby girl. Please.


We’ll explain everything. Just wait for us. Please.


Please let us know you’re okay.


Nothing’s changed. We love you.


We fucking need you, pipsqueak.

Please, respond with something. Anything.

A middle finger emoji. An angry face.

