Page 73 of Knot Here for You

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I start with the older accounts, the ones from when I was still living with her. Everything looks normal. The account balance is relatively small, just like she’d always told me. We weren’t struggling to make ends meet, but it certainly wasn’t enough for the lavish lifestyle she always wanted.

I see the payments from my grandfather’s social security and my grandmother’s retirement accounts. The only deposits that seem odd to me are from a company called Pipangel International. Every month, on the first, my grandmother received a deposit of three thousand five hundred dollars.

I do a quick google search for the company and come up empty. There is nothing on Pipangel International, which makes my spider-senses tingle.

The payments stopped the summer before I left. Maybe she had a job I didn’t know about? But she literally never left the house unless it was to go to one function or another.

I set that aside and continue digging. And what I find makes my heart hurt.

I stare at the account information in front of me, check the name of the previous deposits and then it all clicks. Everything makes sense to me.

Pipangel. Pipsqueak and angel. Two nicknames my pack uses for me.

I find my phone and call Jackson. He picks up on the first ring, the smile evident in his voice. “Hey, baby girl. I was just thinking about you.”

Some of the tension bleeds out of me just listening to his deep timber.


“You should know by now I’m always thinking of you, Vee.” I’m not really sure what to say to that, and I can practically feel him tense up on the other side of the phone. “What’s the matter? Why are you calling?”

My fingers tighten on my cell phone as I force out the question I need to ask. “Did-Did you send monthly payments to my grandmother?”

Jackson is quiet for so long that I have my answer, but then he says, “Where are you? At home? I’m coming over.”

“No, that’s not-” I cut off when I realize he’s disconnected the call. Groaning, I toss my phone onto the couch and tip my head back. “Stupid bossy alphahole.”

Fifteen minutes later, I’ve made myself presentable just in time for a knock to sound on my door. I open it without checking. “Don’t you have a job?” I ask, but draw up short when I see that it’s not in fact Jackson on my porch. “Connor?” I swing the door most of the way closed, bracing it against my shoulder, like I’m ready to throw my weight against it, to keep him out. “What are you doing here? How did you even know I’m staying here?”

He glances down sheepishly, runs his fingers through his hair, and then looks up at me in what feels like a practiced move. One that makes girls who haven’t found their fated mates swoon, I’m sure. But I have, so I just stand there staring at him.

“Oh, I ran into Aurora Whitten and she told me she helped you find this place. I texted,” he says, slightly sheepish. “But you didn’t respond.”

I wince internally, and guilt gnaws at me. It’s stupid. Just because we knew each other seven years ago doesn’t mean I owe him anything. But still, I stumble over an explanation. “Yeah, I’m sorry I’ve been busy with…” getting to know my pack again. I wave a hand in a general motion. “Everything.”

He grins at me, apparently satisfied with that very vague explanation. “I hear that.” His eyes flicker behind me, taking in the spread of papers on the dining room table. “Are you busy now? You wanna grab lunch?”

At that moment, a sporty black car pulls into my driveway, parking behind my much older, much less flashy car. Connor turns to watch Jackson approach, and he tenses just slightly. I can’t say I blame him when my prime alpha is striding toward us with purpose, a glare firmly on his face.

“What are you doing here, Bilkes?” Jackson growls, stomping up the stairs.

Connor flashes him the same charming smile, holding out his hand in greeting. “Just asking Vee if she wants to grab some food with me.”

“She doesn’t,” Jackson answers for me, ignoring the offered hand entirely and wedging himself between me and Connor, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me into him. “Do you, baby girl?” He murmurs against my temple, an obvious show of possessiveness.

I’m not sure I do a good job of hiding my reaction to his nearness. Actually, I know I don’t. My cheeks flush and my chest heaves as I take a deep gulp of his scent. Of course, he’s doing the same to me, so it’s not like it really matters.

“Sorry, Connor,” I say, leaning into Jackson because I can’t help it. Everything in me tells me he’s mine, he’s safe. “I’m actually in the middle of something. Jackson just came over to help.”

Connor eyes us, something like defeat in his expression, but then it hardens, his jaw tightens. “Do you really think this is a good idea, Vee?”

“Excuse me?” Jackson turns to face Connor, shifting, so he’s partially in front of me. “What the hell does that mean?”

“You know what it means, Jacks.” Connor jerks his hand at me. “You broke her fucking heart, Werth. We all saw it.” His blue eyes slide to me. “I thought you were smarter than to believe his lies.”

Jackson barks out a laugh. “Oh, my lies? What about yours, Connor? Did he tell you he’s been working with Maxim for the last few years, Vee? Still trying to weasel your way into the Werth clan anyway you can, huh?”

I frown. “Connor, you don’t have a pack? You’re an alpha, aren’t you?”
