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The longer we go on dancing, the stronger the scent of cherry pie is in the air. I have no clue where it’s coming from, but someone on the dance floor must be feeling amorous for it to bleed through the scent blockers on the air.

All thoughts of the phantom cherry pie smell vanish when a big hand slides onto my hip from behind, fingers curling over the swell there to pull me back tight against a big hard chest that smells faintly of brandied pears. It’s delicious and I wish there wasn’t so much descenter in the air, so I could smell him properly.

But even with his smell being dampened by chemicals, it makes my lower belly heat and my pussy muscles clench as a flood of wet hot moisture accumulates between my legs.

Yes, this is exactly what I need. I don’t have to look to know that I’m going to find the alpha behind me delicious. Scent doesn’t lie and even if he’s not the prettiest man I’ve ever seen, I know our sexual chemistry will be off the charts by the reaction of my body alone.

When I tilt my head back and meet the gray eyes of the man holding me, I actually gasp. He’s beautiful. I could tell he would be in the low light of the VIP lounge, but seeing him up close, even with the neon blue and pink light strobing over his face, he’s actually breathtaking. Literally.

I stop breathing, even as my hand lifts, looping around the back of his neck as he grinds into me, following the sway of my body, the beat of the music. The man knows how to move and it doesn’t take much to interpret that into how he’ll be in bed, fucking me into the mattress. Because I have no doubt that is exactly what’s going to happen.

The alpha’s plush lips curl into a smile, and he bends down and down and down—the man is tall—to run his nose down my cheek and into the hollow behind my ear where I’ve heard scent is strongest but have never really put it to the test being a beta. He inhales and a low growl reaches my ears as his entire body goes tight. Another inhale, and his arms clench around me, holding me closer to his body. I think I hear him groan the word “mine”, but that doesn’t seem right.

Guess the dude really likes the scent of cucumber and mint.

A shiver runs through my body as his teeth gently scrape the spot, eliciting another gush of wet between my legs. I feel him smile against my skin and then he lays a trail of wet, tongue heavy kisses along my neck.

My eyes slip closed as I sag against him, no longer dancing, just letting him slide his hands up and down my body. Thick fingers curl into my messy bun, gripping it to direct my head up, tilting it so the alpha can press his mouth to mine. I part almost immediately, drinking in the taste of brandied pears and fucking loving it.

Another of those growls rumbles out of him as he all but fucks my mouth with his. Nipping at my lips, stroking with his tongue. This might be the best fucking kiss I’ve ever had.

A hard warm body presses into my front, bringing with it the scent of fresh spring rain. A beta. The alpha doesn’t snarl or yank me away, so I can only assume that it’s the man he was cuddling in the booth upstairs.

My vagina gives an excited flutter. I’ve never had a threesome, despite my sexual escapades. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t fantasized about it. About two men taking pleasure from my body, using me like a sex toy for their pleasure.

The beta slides his hands onto my hips, before pressing me between their hard bodies. He trails kisses down my neck, over my collarbone, to the swells of my chest and I have the brief thought that maybe I should at least try to have some decorum and take them somewhere more private.

But I’m so fucking hot, hot, hot. My skin flushed, my muscles languid, pleasure running through me from just their mouths on me. I can’t fucking think about anything but these two men and how I want more.

Which is the only reason I can think that I whine. I’ve never whined in my life. That’s an omega thing, but apparently the scent of these two men wrapping around me, the feel of their bodies against mine, is enough to turn a beta into a needy little omega wannabe.

My lids fly open in mortification. It’s on the tip of my tongue to apologize and explain. I know some alphas have a thing about betas trying to act like omegas. Some of them think the beta is trying to trick their alpha instincts, and I sure as hell am not trying to do that.

But the words die in my throat when I take in the beta. He’s so fucking pretty. Shorter than the alpha (that’s to be expected as a beta) with carefully styled sandy blond hair, tan skin and cheekbones to die for. His lips are full and luscious and I want to lick them. Bright blue eyes smile down at me from under straight eyebrows. There’s a scar through the left one, angling over his brow from his forehead to his temple. It doesn’t effect his beauty though. I seriously think this guy could be a supermodel.

Is he a supermodel? Have I seen him on any ad campaigns?

“So pretty,” I murmur as I stare up at him dumbly. Those are the words that leave me. Not an explanation that I’ve literally never whined before. No, the first words I say to these two men are ‘so pretty’, like a simpleton.

Both of them chuckle like I’m adorable, though, so it doesn’t seem to matter. The beta’s lips stay curled in a smile as he bends and says in my ear, “you’re so pretty, too.” He uses his nose to nudge my head until his mouth is on mine and I swear it’s like drinking the coolest, most refreshing water of my life. I whimper and slide my other hand around his neck, nails digging in to keep him from pulling back. It feels like he’s the only thing that can cool this raging inferno of need engulfing me. Well, him and the alpha, who is currently trailing his thick fingers up my inner thigh, until he reaches the top of my thigh high, and then even higher still. “So wet for us,” he growls out, sounding pleased as hell when he finds me soaked.

I nearly scream when he brushes my clit through the lace of my panties, hips bucking to get more friction. The beta swallows the sound then pulls back and smooths strands of my hair back from my face. “Needy little thing, aren’t you?”

I nod frantically. I should probably feel embarrassed by just how much I want them, but I’ve never felt like this before. Ever. Like I’ll die if I don’t have one of their cocks in me in the next five minutes.

“Please,” I whimper. “I need more.”

The alpha behind me presses closer. “Whatever you need, vixen.”

“Private room?” The beta asks, brows arched.

“Private room,” the alpha confirms, lacing his fingers through mine.

They pull me through the crowd, weaving through the writhing mass of bodies, until we reach a black door at the back of the club with another bouncer standing in front of it. He doesn’t stop us as the alpha pulls me through the door, the beta on my heels, one hand clutching my hip possessively.

I have the brief thought that I should find Vee and at least give her a heads up that I’m going to be occupied for a bit, but the last I’d seen of her she was kissing a sexy alpha on the dance floor and I have the feeling I’d just be interfering if I tried to find her now.

Then I’m not thinking at all because I’m tugged into a dark room with a bed and what I hope are clean sheets, because the alpha lifts me by my hips and tosses me onto it.
