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I settle next to my omega with my plate, wanting to hear this conversation, too.

Sadie nods and leans back in her chair as Luca places a smaller plate with a scone on it next to her first plate. Ethan carries over the hot sauce that she likes and kisses the top of her head. Swift brings over a perfectly frothed latte and a glass of orange juice.

And then Maddox slides out Sadie’s chair, picks her up and settles back with her in his lap. I know without asking that he’s going to feed her.

Claudia watches all of this with a greedy hunger in her eyes. This is what she wants, a pack waiting on her, taking care of her. Maybe someday she’ll find it, but it won’t be with us. We only worship one woman and that’s the little omega perched on our prime’s lap.

Claudia’s lip curls as Maddox breaks off a piece of the scone and holds it to Sadie’s mouth. Holding the other woman’s stare, our girl parts her lips and lets him slide the morsel of food between them.

“We thought, seeing as you both have scents that are so similar,” I take over, wanting this conversation to be over as quickly as possible. “You might have experienced something similar to what Sadie went through.”

Claudia tilts her head and looks at me, eyes narrowed like she’s thinking back. Then she shakes her head. “No. There’s nothing. I mean, I went to the doctor quite a bit when I was younger.” Sadie straightens up a little in anticipation. “But it was all just routine stuff. My omega hormones were a little high, so they wanted to monitor them. Didn’t want me perfuming around a bunch of unbonded alphas.” She winks at me, and a scowl back at her.

Ethan leans forward, arms braced on the table. “So you didn’t undergo any unusual tests? Nothing that seemed out of the ordinary?”

Claudia shoves a spoonful of the yogurt and fruit into her mouth and chews, gaze narrowed on where Maddox is feeding Sadie bites of sausage. She swallows. “Nope. They just took my blood for testing the hormones and did normal doctor’s physicals. But nothing else.”

Sadie sags against Maddox, and he presses a kiss to her temple.

“Are you saying they did more than that to you?” Claudia asks, sounding far too fucking pleased about it. “Oh my god. Do you think they took my blood and gave it to you? Is that why you smell like me? You stole my designation?”

Sadie nibbles on her lower lip and I can see all of her doubts swarming back in. This was a bad fucking idea. Really fucking bad. We should have talked to Claudia when Sadie wasn’t around. Because now I can tell Sadie believes that bullshit. That she was a beta and whatever her doctor did to her turned her into an omega.

She thinks she’s the fake.

Even if she is, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s ours.

Claudia gives a smug as fuck smile as she finishes her yogurt and drops the spoon into the bowl with a clatter. “It makes sense, doesn’t it? I mean, look at you.” She waves a hand as she leans back in her chair. “You look nothing like an omega. You didn’t want the nest your pack provided for you. I bet you suck at being submissive for them too, huh?”

With every word I see Sadie shrink further and further into herself. A low growl of warning rumbles out of me. Out of all of us, even Ethan.

Swift narrows his gaze on her. “Try the omelet.”

Claudia blinks at him, surprised. “What?”

Our resident psycho pushes to his feet and rounds the table until he’s towering over her. “You made my girl make you breakfast out of some petty bullshit. So you’re going to sit here and eat all of what she made you. If you don’t, I’ll put a bucket of rats on your stomach and laugh as they chew a hole through you.”

Claudia’s eyes are wide, but I don’t think she believes him. “I’d do as he says,” Luca says lazily, running his fingers up and down Sadie’s forearm, cradled in his lap. “He’s fucking crazy and doesn’t make idle threats.”

Claudia rolls her eyes and picks up the fork, cutting off a huge piece and popping it in her mouth dramatically.

Claudia chews once, twice, and then her cheeks get red and her eyes water. She spits the bite of omelet onto the table and reaches frantically for her drink. But there isn’t one. She never asked Sadie for one, and my girl followed her menu to the letter. “You bitch!” She gasps out, tongue hanging slightly out of her mouth like that will help with the spice.

Sadie settles more comfortably against Maddox and he nuzzles into her neck. “Oh, I’m sorry. I love spicy food, so I thought you might too. Guess I was wrong.”

She goes to get up, but Swift is right behind her. His hand clamps on her shoulder, keeping her in place. “Keep fucking eating,” he barks at her. And she does. Mechanically shoving the too spicy food into her mouth, chewing and swallowing. Tears stream down her face, combined with a fair amount of sweat and snot. Swift makes sure she eats every fucking speck of that omelet, then the partially chewed bits she spit out.

We all watch, enjoying our own meal. Maddox keeps feeding Sadie, murmuring things into her ear that I can’t make out, but I’m sure he’s trying to counteract the cruel words Claudia said to her.

When Claudia reaches for the ricotta pancakes, Swift stops her from eating them. “You don’t deserve them, you little tit-monger. My girl makes the best fucking pancakes. Besides, I want you to live with all that spice burning your tongue. Get the fuck out of here.”

Sobbing, Claudia pushes to her feet and stumbles toward the stairs. She pauses when Swift calls after her. “Oh, and if you ever say anything like that to Cherrybomb again, I will make you eat a whole bowl of cayenne pepper. And that is just to start. You understand?”

Claudia gives a quick nod before booking it upstairs.

“Swift,” Sadie chides gently. “You shouldn’t use your bark for things like that.”

He grins over at her, moving to cup her face in his hands and give her a filthy kiss. “If not for things like that? Then what for, Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherrybomb?”
