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If I’m honest, it’s been all our reactions to him since Sylvie, Sorrel and I bonded over our mutual love for the singer turned actor.

“My point is, that appearances don’t mean shit, Sade. Someone can look like an omega and be an alpha, and vice versa.”

Logically, I know she’s right. But it doesn’t stop me from feeling inadequate. Like even if I am a true omega, I’m still not the right kind of omega. Not for the Falcone pack.

“I don’t act like an omega.” It’s hard for me to admit, feels like I’m carving out a part of myself and offering it to Sorrel on a platter. So imagine my surprise when she bursts out laughing, right in my face, bringing our clasped hands to her stomach like that might help contain the hilarity of the situation.

I just stare at her, brow cocked and wait her out. She giggles and then hiccups and wipes the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry, that was just… oh, god. So funny.” When I give her a confused look, she smacks a kiss on the back of my hand. “Babe, since I got here, you’ve done nothing but act like an omega. You couldn’t stop touching your alphas. Climbed one of them like a spider monkey to say thank you. Got emotional when you realized I took time off to come see you. You soothed Swift when he was getting all rumbly. And most importantly, you let them take care of you.” She fingers the blanket thrown over both of us, and jerks her chin at the untouched food on the table in front of the couch. “You might not have been raised knowing you’re an omega, but you’re definitely following your instincts like one.”

I stare at her. She’s right. I have been acting more and more like the typical omega, but… “I’m not submissive.”

Sorrel clucks her tongue. “Omegas aren’t submissive all the time. Sylvie’s certainly not. L-” She cuts herself off, cheeks flaring red again, before she continues. “Hollis isn’t.” A sly smile curls her lips. “I’m sure you’re submissive when it matters. And besides, this is the Falcone pack, Sade. They wouldn’t want some wilting flower who would roll over at the first sign of trouble or discord. They want someone strong.”

I nibble on my lower lip, thinking back to all the danger I’ve been in since coming here. I take myself out of the situations and put Claudia in them, and holy shit, she would be a disaster. Yes, I got a little… possessive and demanding after Luca was shot, making sure he was taken care of when he wanted to brush off the injury, but that’s normal. Claudia would have made it all about her, about how close she came to being hurt, she would have wailed and cried and clung to them like a barnacle, and probably wouldn’t have given them the chance to go after the assholes that did it.

Sorrel’s hand slides up until she’s cupping my face. “Besides, it doesn’t matter whether or not you’re submissive. It’s so clearly obvious that this entire pack is obsessed with you. They want you, Sadie. Not because you’re an omega or their scent match, but because you’re you. You’re a beautiful fucking soul who deserves all the love and happiness in the world. It’s time you believe it, too.”

“Well, shit,” I say, blinking away tears. “You aren’t supposed to make me cry, Sor.”

She gives me a sweet smile. “No, but I am supposed to help you see your worth when you falter. It’s my job as your best friend to make sure you get everything you want. So tell me, Sadie. What do you want? Honestly? Put all the bullshit aside and just think, what would make you the happiest right now?”

I can tell by the look in her eyes she already knows. I already know too, but I’m terrified of saying it out loud. Swiping at the tears on my cheeks, I take a deep breath before whispering to my best friend. “Them. I want the Falcone pack.”

Her smile beams. “Then we’ll make sure that happens.”

The door slams open and Sorrel and I both jump. A second later, boozy beach surrounds me as Swift drags me off the couch and over his shoulder.

“Swift!” I protest, slapping at his ass. “Put me down.”

He growls as he sinks his teeth into my hip. “No. You want us, you’re going to fucking get us.”

All the fight drains out of me. “You were eavesdropping!” I shout.

He scoffs. “Of course I was! I needed to know what you were saying about us.” He bobs into what I think is supposed to be a bow or a curtsey. “Sorrel, thank fuck for coming and talking sense into our girl. I’m gonna go fuck and knot and bite her now.”

My face flames, and my mouth opens on a pant, even as I gasp out. “Swift! You can’t say shit like that to her.”

Sorrel laughs and uncoils from the couch. “No worries. I’m familiar with alpha possessiveness… and omega possessiveness, for that matter. I get it.”

I feel her soft palm land in the center of my back, rubbing in a soothing circle. “Have fun. Remember, you deserve to be happy, Sadie. I cannot stress that enough.”

Swift bites my hip again. “Fuck yeah she does.”

Then he’s running through the penthouse, up the stairs to his room, ignoring the calls from the rest of the pack. “Sadie’s mine for the night,” he shouts. “The rest of you fuckers stay the fuck away.”

In a blink, I’m flat on my back, staring up at a bright red ceiling.

“Is that…”

“Heartbreaker red?” He finishes for me as he tugs off my leggings, taking my panties with them. “Sure as fuck is. I’m obsessed with that color. Have been since I first saw you with your lips painted it.”

My throat feels tight. “Swift,” I choke out.

He smiles up at me sweetly, hands sliding under my shirt, pushing it over my tits and then over my head. “You know how many nights I’ve lain here, fisting my cock, staring at that color and imagining it smeared all over my body? A trail of kisses all over my skin. A ring of it at the base of my cock, all over my knot.”

He groans as he leans over me, taking my mouth in a filthy kiss that leaves me a whimpering squirming mess, slick dripping out of me to smear the black of his sheets. “Fuck yeah, Cherrybomb,” he murmurs, sliding down my body, trailing kisses over every bit of skin he passes. “You’re getting all nice and wet for me, aren’t you? Getting ready to take my knot.”

Shifting restlessly, I grapple with my need to just give in and give us both what we want. I do want his knot and I want his bite. I want this entire pack, but there’re still a lot of unknowns between us.
