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His teeth scrape the spot he’s been nuzzling, and I swear I melt into a puddle of Sadie colored goo. “Please what, omega.”

Logically, I know he’s just trying to get me riled up. He’s made it clear they have more important things to do this morning than lay me down and fuck me on our kitchen island. So that is why I refuse to beg any more. My face folds into a frown and I feel him smile against my skin. “You know what.”

He pulls back and grins at me even more. “I don’t think I do, omega. What do you need? Tell me and maybe I’ll give it to you.”

“Maybe?” I say, already knowing that when Maddox says ‘maybe’ what he means is he won’t. This is his game. Getting me riled up and then denying me. It makes my eventual release that much better, but I really hate this part. “You’re an asshole.” I mutter, leaning back from him as much as I can.

“Not what I was looking for, trouble.” He swats at my hip and then steps away from me. “I’m gonna shower. Eat your breakfast. You’re gonna need your energy later.”

I roll my eyes and ignore the slick that is drenching my thighs and the marble under my ass. Swift and Maddox can deal with that later. Assholes. Getting me all horny and then not giving me any relief.

Luca chuckles as he slides a cup of coffee next to me, leaning in to kiss my cheek. But not more than that. At least one of them knows better than to tease me. “Morning, vixen.” I grumble back at him as he taps the plate of food. “Eat.”

I reach for the coffee first, moaning as I take a gulp.

I devour half of the plate of food in almost no time at all. Bonding takes a lot out of a girl. Also, if the spike last night is anything to go by, I’ll be in heat soon, and I know I’ll need to store up some extra calories for that.

“Jesus, mo chuisle,” Logan chuckles. “You’re really taking Maddox’s words to heart, aren’t you? Ready for us to come home and fuck you silly?”

I straighten from my hunched over position, my mouth still full of French toast, and smile at him nodding as an answer, because I’m not a complete heathen who talks with her mouth full.

“I’m always ready for you to fuck me silly,” I purr after I swallow, enjoying the way his pale green eyes darken with desire. But then his gaze flickers over me and the desire fades, replaced by mild concern.

“You look a little flushed, omega. Are you feeling alright?”

Resisting the urge to look at Swift, who has gone very still with his gold eyes on me, I shake my head both in warning for my newly bonded alpha and to Logan’s question. “I’m fine. Just excited.” I lean forward and press a syrupy kiss to his mouth. “I made the choice. Logan. I’m taking the nest. I’m taking the pack.”

His breath catches just the slightest bit and he grins. “Good girl. I knew you’d come around.”

I lean away from him, straightening my spine and my shoulders. “Sure you did,” I say primly, patting his chest.

He arches a brow. “Its impossible for a scent match to not want to be with their pack, mo chuisle.”

I narrow my gaze. “That’s not true at all. Scent matching isn’t everything, Logan. If it was, you’d want to keep me and Claudia.”

There’s a huff from the direction of the stairs, and like I’d summoned her by saying her name, there’s the blond omega. “I’d never share my pack with you,” she scoffs.

I shrug. “Good thing I’m not asking you to then, huh?”

Her blue eyes flick from me to Swift, to Luca, before landing on Logan. The one alpha in the pack that isn’t already bonded to me and hasn’t outright told her to leave. My redheaded man shifts closer to me, ignoring her imploring look. He kisses me again, this time slower, more lingering, and I get the impression that he’s doing this to show Claudia where he stands.

That’s he’s firmly with me.

I hum as his mouth devours mine, toes curling as a low pleasant heat unfurls in my stomach.

I know I’m flushed when he pulls back, and although he has a heated look on his face, he notices. His hand comes up to touch my forehead again. “You’re sure you’re feeling okay?”

I bat his hand away and laugh. “Yes! I’m fine. I swear. You can’t kiss me like that and expect me not to get a little warm, Logan.”

He hums, light green eyes running over my face, looking for a sign that I’m being untruthful. But a moment later, he nods. “Okay. But if you’re still flushed when we get back, I’m going to give you an exam.”

I pat his chest again. “Okay, fair enough.”

What I don’t say is that by the time they get back, there won’t be any need for an exam. Claudia will be gone and I’ll tell them about my impending heat.

The cleaners have come and gone. There wasn’t that much for them to do, though they did pack up all the cushions to take to their super special descenting facility. But mostly it was steam cleaning everything and then spraying a crap ton of descenter.

I only halfway listened as Trish from Happy Home Cleaners explained the setup to me. Most of my brain giddily imagined what I wanted my nest to look like. I’d never really thought about it before. I mean, why would I? I thought I was a beta, and then when I realized I wasn’t… well, I was dealing with a lot of other things.
