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I wouldn’t put it past them to induce heats, to make her omegamones stronger. How long would they use her like that, creating pills and injections to turn others into omegas, manufacturing countless omegas with our scent match’s perfume?

Saliva floods my mouth as my stomach roils. I swallow thickly to keep the bile back.

“Tell me where my omega is.” The bark rolls off my tongue, spurred by the images in my head.

“Right fucking here,” Claudia wails. She must really believe that she’s our omega, even knowing she’s a fake.

“Where is Sadie?” Swift is quick to follow up.

“I don’t know. I don’t! They told me they were going to move her. I don’t know where.” Okay, so she must be telling the truth. Doesn’t mean I like her answer.

“Where did you last see her, Claudia? Answer me.”

Her eyes squeeze shut, and she fights against the pull of my bark. Being a beta must help with that. If she were a true omega, she would have given in already.

“Now,” Swift adds the weight of his command behind mine, and I nearly try to answer my own question. He’s a fucking powerful alpha and if he wanted to be the pack lead, he could easily take it from me. But he has no interest in leading, and thank god for that, if he did we’d probably be knee deep in blood all the fucking time. But on the other hand, Sadie would be with us right now. He never would have let her go without solidifying all our bonds for as long as I have.

“There’s an abandoned doctor’s office on the eastside of the city, on Waterloo. That’s where we took her.”

A growl rumbles out of me, even as I pull out my phone to let Ethan know what we found out. He’s quick to respond that he’ll find out what he can.

By the time I refocus on the room I’m in, Swift is dragging his knife over Claudia’s skin, not enough to hurt her, but in an explicit threat. The bound woman whimpers and cries, struggles to get out of the tight leather manacles on her wrists.

Swift is unmoved.

“I think,” he says almost conversationally. “That I’m going to start with your nipples. Cut them from your body. And then I’ll dig out all the saline bags in your tits. I’m going to undo every fucking surgery you underwent to become an omega. Do you understand me, Claudia? By the time I’m done with you, you will be fucking ruined.”

He lifts the knife and taps it against his lips. “Maybe I’ll root around and see if I can figure out how to rip my girl from your veins. Though really the only way to do that would be to bleed you dry, hmm?”

“Please,” she whispers. “Please. The only thing I did was want to be an omega. Who doesn’t dream of that when they’re younger? My father took me to the doctor, and they told me it might be possible. I didn’t know. I didn’t know when they started they were using a child to do it. Please. I’ll leave. I’ll go far away and you won’t have to see me again.”

Tears are flowing freely from Claudia’s blue eyes. Her struggles cease as she realizes she won’t escape this. Or maybe she’s hoping we’ll see her as pathetic and go easier on her.

That won’t happen.

Claudia might like for us to believe that she’s a victim in this as much as Sadie is. That she just expressed her concerns as a teenager to her doctor, but we know better. She knew who Sadie was, knew her face well enough to see an article of her out with Logan and devise a plan to lure us away from her.

When that didn’t work, she resorted to helping the assholes who ran tests on our girl for fucking years.

“You know, I might believe you,” Swift says tilting his head as he looks at her, and Claudia nods frantically, body relaxing somewhat.

“Its true. I didn’t know what they were doing to her. I didn’t know-”

“I said I might believe you,” Swift cuts her off, a smile stretching across his lips. “But see, you let something slip. Something that tells me you’re just as much of a conniving bitch as I’ve always thought you were. Do you know what that was, Claudia?”

He strokes his knife over the swell of her breast.

She shakes her head. “I didn’t say anything.”

He leans closer until his mask brushes against her ear. “You said, ‘we took her.’ We, Claudia.” She whimpers. “Which means that you’ve been in on this from the beginning. You let the asshole into the apartment. You watched as another alpha bit our omega, obliterating her bond with Luca. You stood by as he drugged her. You helped him load her into a car and fucking took her from us. Even if you didn’t know what you were doing back then, you sure as fuck knew what you were doing now. And for that, we have to punish you.”

My phone buzzes in my hand with a text from Ethan: Tracking the car now.

I glance up at Swift. “Ethan found her. She’s in a car. He’s tracking it. We need to pack up and go.”

Swift nods, but hesitates.

