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“It wasn’t secure enough,” Maddox says, sounding like this is an argument they’ve had before. “This room has a lock on it that can only be opened by someone programed into the system. It has no windows, and it’s in a secure wing of the building.”

“Yes, and the staff in this wing aren’t equipped to deal with a patient with blood loss like Sadie has. This is a wing specifically for easing omegas in heat. They don’t have the medication ready for-”

They cut off their argument when I laugh, five sets of eyes falling on me with bemused and warm expressions on their face. “You think this is funny, trouble?”

I wave a hand and then chuckle some more, shaking my head. “No, I appreciate you’re concerned about my safety. It’s just, if this is a heat suite you’d think that nurse would be more comfortable with nudity. He was so offended when Swift got naked!”

“So offended!” Swift cackles along with me, but no one else gets the joke. And I don’t know, maybe it’s not that funny, but my exhausted fuzzy brain thinks it’s hilarious.

When my laughter dies down and I’m wilted against the pillow and Swift, a yawn overtakes me. “When can we go home?”

Their smiles fall, and they go back to petting me. “Not for a few days, mo chuisle. They want to monitor you, make sure there aren’t any lasting side effects.”

I frown. “Can’t you do that at home? Isn’t that part of having a doctor in the pack? No lengthy hospital stays? We didn’t even take Luca to a hospital when he was shot,” I remind him.

“I didn’t need to go to a hospital,” Luca grumbles. “It was a graze, vixen. You, on the other hand, lost a lot of blood.”

“And I’m guessing they put some of it back, and now really, all I have to do is rest and recuperate, right? Can’t I do that at home?”

The idea of being here for a few more days is… well, it’s making my skin itchy, pulling me back to my bi-monthly visits to the doctor’s office. The countless tests and machines and unknown substances dripping into my veins.

I’m sure that Logan has been watching every step the doctors and nurses have done to me, but it doesn’t change the fact that it freaks me the hell out.

Logan’s eyes scan over me, likely reading all of that on my face. “I’ll see if we can get you out any sooner, Sade. But I’m not making any promises.”

I sigh and nod, even though I want to push back on it. I know he only wants what is best for me. He’d never risk my health just to get me out of an uncomfortable situation. “Fine. But I still think I’d do better at home than here.”

Logan taps his chin, humming. “Maybe. I’ll speak to your doctor now and see what we can do, okay, mo chuisle?”

I smile at him as bright as I can, while feeling as rundown as I am. “Okay, thank you, Logan.”

He leans over Swift and wraps his hand around my neck, fingertips pressing into my pulse points. “Anything for you, omega,” he murmurs before brushing a soft kiss across my lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

With one more caress to my pulse, he leaves.

Maddox stares after him, then he sighs. “Well, if he’s going to work on getting you out of here early, then we need to make sure the house is ready for you.”

I frown. “It was fine before, Dox. You don’t have to do anything special for me.” The last word ends with a yawn. And my eyes get droopy.

Fuck, maybe Logan was right and I’m not really ready to go home. But no. Anywhere is better than here.

Swift snuggles me closer, urging me to slide down the pillows a little more.

“We know we don’t have to do anything special for you,” Luca says, running a knuckle down my cheek tenderly. “But we want to. Fuck, do we want to.”

“And the entire security system needs an overhaul,” Ethan says, standing and stretching his arms over his head, revealing a sliver of tanned abs. He frowns and looks over at Maddox. “Maybe we should just move? Start from scratch. There’s a house up on Lake Kilrose I’ve had my eye on. Sadie could be closer to Sorrel and Sylvie.”

Maddox stands up too. “We’ll discuss it later. Right now, we have to work with what we have. Swift-”

“Don’t even think about trying to get me to leave her,” he snarls, brandishing a knife from thin air at our prime alpha. I blink. Where did that even come from? Where was he hiding it?

Maddox arches a brow. “I wasn’t going to,” he replies, completely unconcerned that my psycho mate has a knife aimed at him. “I was going to say keep an eye on our girl.”

The knife vanishes. Where? I have no idea, but I feel safer knowing Swift has it, that he’ll keep me safe. That I won’t be left alone in a medical setting again. Not like my mother left me alone.

“Of course,” Swift says. “I’ll keep our Cherrybomb safe.”
