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“No, I’m a beta.” I choke out, shaking my head and folding my arms over my chest stubbornly. “I’ve always been a beta.”

The alpha’s eyebrows lower. “Then what was all the ‘Yes, Alpha. Knot me, Alpha. Claim me, alpha’ stuff? You fucking goaded me into this like you wanted it.”

I flap my hands in front of me, the realization of what’s happening hitting like a truck. “I thought it was your kink! A little role play, you know? Like you don’t have your omega yet, so you find a beta and pretend!”

The beta stretches, drawing my attention to all that rippling muscle. “And when he knotted you, what did you think was happening?”

What did I think was happening? That’s a good question. A really fucking good question. “That I have a magic pussy?” I slap both my hands to my face and drag them down. Embarrassed and frustrated. “I honestly wasn’t thinking much, obviously.” I peek at them from between my fingers. “It was… You both were melting my brain. And it’s not unheard of for a beta to be able to take a knot.”

The alpha laughs and shakes his head. “After like a month of stretching and training. No, vixen, you are an omega. All that slick and-” He leans over and buries his nose in my neck, taking a deep inhale before he licks his bite mark. Arousal floods me, that slick he was just talking about wetting the inside of my thighs. “Fuck that scent. So fucking sweet, but tart. Like cherry pie.”

I know he’s right. I can smell it myself, been smelling it all day, whiffs of it here and there. But I’ve only ever been a beta. I’ve only ever smelled like cucumber and mint, a beta scent. And shit like this just doesn’t happen.

I shake my head again. “I’m twenty-five. It’s too late for me to present as an omega.”

The beta shifts, moving closer to me, brushing my hair over my shoulder, nuzzling the other side of my neck. “Well, it happened, heartbreaker.”

“And now you belong to us.”

My stomach clenches, both in desire—because those six words drip with a possession that my new designation apparently loves—and in trepidation, because in one moment of passion, I’ve bound myself to this alpha and his pack forever. There’s no way to undo a mating bite, unless one of us dies. I have no intention of dying anytime soon, and I know I have no chance of killing the alpha whose hand is currently sliding up my thigh to circle my clit, making me moan.

“What’s your name, vixen?” The alpha asks.

And just like that, a bucket of icy water splashes over my arousal. My name. Fuck! We didn’t even exchange names. I’m bound forever to these men and we don’t know each other’s names.

Thank god the alpha’s knot deflates at that moment. Maybe he’s realizing I’m not going to fuck him again. Or maybe the sudden acrid tang in my smell is enough to deflate a knot. Either way, it releases with a gush of cum and slick, spilling onto the alpha’s thighs.

I push to my feet, scrambling away from them and scoop up my clothes, yanking them on so quickly, I think I hear the seams of my dress stretch and rip. A noise I’ve never made before pulls from my chest, a whining keen, as tears prick my eyes.

I have to go. I have to get out. I can’t… this was a mistake. A colossal mistake. I can just hear my mother berating me for being such a fucking disappointment. One mistake after another. That’s all I’m good for.

I shove one foot into a boot and spin in a circle, looking for the other, but I run right into the bare, broad chest of the alpha. His big hand comes up and grips the back of my neck, and I immediately feel myself settle, grow calmer. His thumb strokes back and forth. “Shh, vixen. You’re okay. Everything’s okay.” I want to believe him, but I shake my head in denial, the whine in my chest growing louder. He tugs me closer, bending slightly so my nose presses into his neck, where his scent is strongest. I take a deep inhale, letting his spiced pear and brandy smell calm me as I sag against him. Why does he smell so good? And why is it making me all soft and drowsy?

The beta joins us just as a rumbling purr sounds from the alpha’s chest. His lips press into the nape of my neck. Sandwiched between the two of them, the new omega in my chest relaxes, her panic drying up in an instant.

The alpha pulls back and smiles down at me, brushing the hair back from my face tenderly. “Better, vixen?” I take a deep breath and nod grudgingly. He brushes over the mating mark on my neck. “Good. Now tell me your name.”

My gaze drops, focusing on his chest between his pecs. “Sadie,” I whisper. “Sadie Pierce.”

Thick fingers curl under my chin and tip my head up until I meet his gray eyes. “Well, Sadie, Sadie Pierce, my name is Luca and the beta behind you is Ethan.” He bends his head and kisses the tip of my nose. “Welcome to the Falcone Pack.”

Chapter 5: In which an omega is claimed

Sadie stares up at me, her pretty pink mouth falling open in shock. It’s not the first time someone had that reaction to learning my pack name. I’m sure it won’t be the last.

“Falcone,” she whispers, gray eyes going wide and slightly panicked again. My purr rumbles out of my chest again and she settles, slouching against my chest. I’ve never purred before. It’s something that alphas only do for their omegas, and I’ve never come across an omega that I want to soothe as much as I want to soothe Sadie.

“Falcone,” she repeats and then she laughs, shaking her head. “Of course. Of course. Not only am I a secret late blooming omega, but I also bond to a criminal pack the first time I have sex as an omega! Jesus, my mother is going to have a fucking field day with this.”

“We aren’t criminals,” Ethan murmurs, lips still pressed against her neck, just on the edge of her bonding mark. Makes my alpha practically rabid at the sight of that. I want to fuck them both all over again, really drive this claiming, that they’re both mine, home. “Not really.”

She twists her head to look at him. “There isn’t a gray area when it comes to being a criminal. You either are or you aren’t.”

My brows lower. “Judgy little thing, aren’t you, omega?”

She grits her teeth and returns my glare. “Don’t call me that.”

“Where do you live, Sadie?” Ethan asks, stepping away from her and gathering up our clothes. Sadie is already dressed, well, except for one of her cute little ankle boots.
