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Stupid fucking omega.

I brush my teeth and then my light brown hair before twisting it into a loose braid to keep it under control over night. And then, because I’m a masochist, I stare in the mirror at myself, with no makeup and no armor. What I find makes me feel inadequate.

Without makeup, I am… so fucking ordinary.

Gray eyes, light brown hair, freckles on my nose. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ugly or anything. I don’t think they’ll look at me and be all, ‘ew, she’s so gross.’ But all of them are so fucking hot. Handsome. Out of this world good looking. Next to them with no adornment, I know I’m going to feel like I’m not good enough to be with them.

I mean, I already feel that way since they shoved me into a tiny room as far from them as I can get while still being in the penthouse, but when they wake up tomorrow, they’re going to take one look at me and kick me to the curb.

I blow out a breath. That’s okay, Sade. That’s what you want.

Isn’t it?

My head tilts to the side so I can better see the already healing bite mark on my neck. I’m surprised it’s healed as much as it has. Luca didn’t spend a lot of time nursing it. And if the way Maddox just reacted is any sign, he won’t get the chance to tend to it. Which means I’m gonna have a nasty scar on my neck to remember all this bullshit with.

An angry little growl from my chest startles me so badly, it cuts off almost immediately. What the hell? I know omegas growl, or at least I’ve heard that they do. But this is nothing like the scary, threatening growl of alphas. It’s kind of cute… and that is annoying as hell.

If the sound I make when I’m upset is cute, these assholes will never fucking take me seriously.

No more of that, Sadie, I tell myself, meeting my gray eyes in the mirror.

Then I reach out and flick off the light before exiting the bathroom and heading to my cell.

Sorry, my room.

Chapter 7: In which I get turned on by an elevator

I’m in a shitty mood.

It’s not normal.

Typically, I get giddy at the thought of spilling blood. Of making someone who’s hurt my pack, my family, hurt too. But tonight, I can’t seem to get myself to enjoy it.

“P-please,” Duane stutters out, sweat beading his pale brow and blood dotting his mouth and chin from his broken nose. “Please, I didn’t mean anything by it. I just needed the cash.”

I frown and tsk, my eyes sliding to the clock on the wall. It’s there more for their benefit than mine. I like them to know just how quickly I break them. But tonight it’s taking too fucking long. I’m wondering if my sexy little beta with the bright red lips is still at The Market. If she’s waiting for me or if she’s found someone else to spend the night with.

The thought of her with someone else makes my stomach twist almost painfully and my mouth twists in response. It must be terrifying because Duane whimpers and starts pulling at his bound hands, like he’s going to escape me.

Newsflash, fuckface, no one escapes me. Not even pretty little betas. If I can’t find her tonight, I’ll find her tomorrow. Go back to the cafe and look through all the credit card receipts from yesterday. Track down every person until I find her. Ethan can help with his badass tech wizardry. If he does, maybe I’ll let him play with her, too. We can punish her for fucking someone else tonight when she should have waited for me.

Yeah, I nod resolutely to myself. That’s what I’ll do.

With that settled in my mind, I can focus more fully on the situation at hand, sink into finding out just how much Duane spilled to our enemies. We don’t have a lot anymore, not now that Maddox is the head of the Falcone family. When he took over from his father—and by ‘took over’ I mean slaughter him in front of most of the organization—he cleaned house and made nice with a lot of the assholes who had been after the Falcone family for years.

It’s all part of what he’s hoping to become, completely legit. No more criminal enterprises, just very wealthy with lots of businesses. We’re already well on our way, seeing as how we own a third of the city. The Werth pack owns another third. The last third? Well, that’s separated into little chunks for everyone else.

I’d been worried at first, because I’d thought going legit would mean less of this. Less blood and pain and the calm that comes from it. Maddox assured me that even if our businesses are all legitimate, we’ll still have plenty of blood to spill.

I’m pretty sure even if all our enemies dry up and turn to dust, he’ll still find someone for me to cut, to bleed.

Like Duane here.

Sure, he fucked with us, but there are plenty of trustworthy lackeys who could have done this. But Maddox gave him to me to deal with. Like a gift.

Normally, it would be a gift.

But today, I just want this over with.
