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“Okay,” I say slowly, hoping he’ll get what I’m trying to say. “Well, I’m just gonna grab a morning after pill.”

A growl of protest rips from him. “No.”

“You’re not on birth control?” Maddox shouts, sounding pissed as hell, and a part of me shrivels up and cowers in the face of his anger at me. That’s gotta be the omega part of me.

The beta part of me holds up a finger at him, in the universal wait motion, keeping my gaze on Luca. “Yes, Luca.”

He shakes his head ruefully, inching closer to me, that smug male pride back all over his face. “No, vixen. If my seed took root in your belly, then we’re gonna let it flourish and grow.”

“No, we aren’t. My body, my goddamn choice. I have enough shit going on right now that I really don’t need to add a baby to the mix. Let alone one from a pack that might not-” I cut that thought off and look at Maddox. “I am on birth control. I have an implant. Normally, I use condoms every time I have sex, but last night was… different.” Luca grunts his agreement. “And I’m an omega now and I don’t know if there’s different birth control for an omega versus a beta? Is it strong enough to stand up to a knotting? I’d rather just… get one, to be sure.”

“Sadie,” Luca tries again, his voice softer, his hand drifting to touch my elbow. “Please, just think about it-”

A harsh laugh pulls from my chest. “Think about it? Like you thought about it last night when you bit me and bonded me without even knowing my fucking name, Luca? Really?” I move closer to him, finger pointed at his chest. “I am not having your fucking baby.”

There’s a flash of hurt in his gray eyes, a pain that slices at me too. Especially since he lets me feel it through our bond. But then his smirk is back. He reaches up and cups my jaw with one big hand tenderly. “Oh, yes, you fucking are.” There’s a dominance in his voice that makes my omega tremble, that makes her want to roll over and submit to him. But I’ve only been an omega for less than twenty-four hours and I refuse to do that.

“Luca,” Ethan warns, but Swift is already moving, slipping between us, with his back to my front and a huge fucking butcher’s knife to Luca’s throat. My entire body freezes, and I’m not sure what I should feel because on one hand I hate the sight of that sharp blade pressed into Luca’s neck, but also, it’s clear that Swift is on my side in this argument and he’s willing to fight for me.

It’s really fucking hot.

“Swift!” Maddox roars. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

Swift ignores his prime alpha and glares at Luca with those gold eyes of his. “Back the fuck up. Do not intimidate her. If Cherrybomb wants to get a fucking morning after pill, then we’ll buy a hundred of them and keep them on hand just for her. If she decides she never wants your cock anywhere near her again, then you’re going to have fun fucking your hand and Ethan’s ass. If she never wants to have any of our fucking babies, then that’s what we’re going to do. You do not get to force her into motherhood, fuckface. You already forced her into a bond, when what we should have done was courted her properly.”

My heart flutters in my chest at his speech, at his insistence to do this at my speed. He was listening last night and even though I can already tell it’s not his strength, he’s going to be patient with me, for me.

Luca’s blue eyes flick from Swift to me, standing behind him and he sags, the edge of the blade pressing into his skin a little more as he does. “I meant later. You’ll be having my baby later. Not right now. Of course… Of course not right now. I know you’re already going through a lot, vixen. I’m sorry.”

“What the fuck is the world coming to when Swift is the voice of reason in this pack?” Ethan mutters with a roll of his eyes.

A gentle hand at the base of my spine pulls my attention to Logan, his pale green eyes intent on my face. “I’ll take you.”

I really don’t want anyone to take me. I want to go on my own, to get some space between me and this pack that I both yearn for and hate at the same time. But if they aren’t going to let me leave alone, I suppose Logan is the lesser of all the evils in this room. He definitely seems the least offensive to me and my omega right now.

Well, and Swift. But I’m not sure I’m ready to find out what running errands with Swift would be like.

Half of Logan’s mouth quirks into a small smile. “Just give me thirty minutes to get ready and I’ll take you, okay?” He smooths a hand down the side of my face and then collars my neck gently. It’s so fucking weird how that makes me settle, calms me down, like he should always have my throat in his palm, like it was meant to be there.

The tension drains from my body and his smile grows, a hint of that alpha pride in his green eyes.

“Eat some breakfast, omega,” he murmurs, thumb stroking over my pulse point. “And then we’ll go.”

At the mention of breakfast, Swift drops the knife from Luca’s neck and spins toward me, Logan’s hand on my neck pushes me out of the way, while Luca lunges to grab the wrist of the hand holding the knife.

“Careful, asshole! Don’t go swinging knives around our omega like that. You might cut her.”

Swift’s gold eyes widen the slightest bit before he smirks at me. “Something tells me cherrybomb doesn’t mind a little blood.” My eyes widen and I shake my head at him. But I don’t know why. It’s pretty clear Swift is gonna do what Swift is gonna do.

Thankfully, he doesn’t give any more details about our interlude from the night before, just takes my hand in his (the one not holding a knife) and tugs me over to the island, where Maddox is still sitting, pretending for all the world that I’m not here now that it’s clear Swift isn’t going to slaughter Luca.

Swift directs me to a stool, pressing on my shoulder to get me to sit down. I don’t think I’m getting out of this, so I sigh as I set my purse next to Maddox’s green juice.

“I didn’t know what you liked, Cherrybomb,” Swift says rounding the island. “So I made pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and toast.” He pauses and looks at me with wide eyes. “You’re not a vegetarian or vegan, are you?” Before I answer, he’s already looking back in the fridge. “We have some yogurt and fruit. Oh, oatmeal? Um…”

“Swift?” He doesn’t turn to look at me, still fretting over what to feed me. It’s kind of cute. I’ve never had anyone so worried about my preferences before. My mother was a ‘you get what you get and don’t throw a fit’ kind of person around the dinner table, even when she made something that upset my stomach after my most recent round of injections. If I didn’t want to eat what she put in front of me, then I just didn’t eat at all.

“Swift,” Maddox all but barks from next to me, making me jump and drawing the blond alpha’s attention. The prime jerks his chin at me.
