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He means maybe they had sex. Maybe instead of eating the food she prepared for us, he ate her instead. I want to believe it. I do. But I know what our omega smells like when she’s turned on. Her scent gets more buttery, creamy. If anything, the tartness of cherry is at the forefront of the lingering scent. She was upset.

I don’t blame her.

I look around the room.

“Her bag’s gone.” My stomach bottoms out at the realization. “She left.”

She fucking left.

Ethan hurries back down the hall. I hear him pound up the stairs to where the pack bedrooms are. My eye flick over every aspect of the room, the lack of windows, the lack of pillows and soft blankets, the lack of a fucking lamp. The lack of everything.

This room is closer to a jail cell than an actual fucking bedroom. Why the hell did Maddox put her here?

“Fuck!” Ethan shouts from upstairs. I know he’s discovered what I already know in my gut. Sadie left us.

She fucking left us.

I tug on my bond with her at the same time I tug my phone out of my pocket. There’s no answer in the bond—she has that shit shut down tight—but Maddox answers after two rings.

“Where the hell were you?” I growl out, all of my alpha instincts on high alert, possessive anger flowing through me. My hand clenches and unclenches at my side.

“What?” My prime alpha’s voice lowers to a dangerous level. One that tells me he doesn’t like my tone any more than I like his. Under normal circumstances, I might back off, but not when my fucking omega is gone.

“Where. The. Fuck. Were. You?” I bite out again. “We agreed that you or Logan would stay with her. We agreed you would be available if she needed something.”

“Sadie?” he asks, his tone no longer angry but… worried. “Did something happen?”

“I know you’re pissed off at how this happened, Dox. I know that. But she’s new to this shit and you can’t just leave her.”

“What the fuck happened to Sadie? Is she hurt?” he demands. “I swear to fuck if you don’t start talking…” I feel a flicker of satisfaction at the possessive edge to his voice. As much as he pretends he’s not interested in our pretty little omega, I can tell he is.

“I don’t know if she’s hurt, Maddox, because she’s not fucking here.”


I turn away from Sadie’s room and head back into the living area where I find Ethan on his laptop, no doubt watching the security footage from earlier today. I slip behind him and watch as Sadie exits her room looking adorably sleep disheveled and then hurt when she realizes she’s alone.

“She fucking left after making us dinner because none of us were here.”

“We didn’t ask her to do that.”

A humorless laugh bursts out of me. “We didn’t, but she’s our omega and she tried to take care of us. She tried to get to know us and this is… Fuck. She must have felt rejected.”

On the screen I watch as Sadie waits for us, waits and waits and waits, until she finally eats some mashed potatoes and green beans alone, her shoulders slumped, face pinched like she’s trying not to cry.

“I got called into The Market,” Maddox is saying. “There was an… issue. Logan came along because one of our guys got hurt. You said you’d be home by six, Luca. I thought she’d be alone for a few hours at most. She was out like a light. We didn’t want to bother her.”

I run a weary hand over my face. “Yeah, well, securing her house took a lot fucking longer than I thought it would.” Especially since I took the time to snoop the shit out of the place, needing to get to know our omega as much as I can. And then there’s the whole turning her bathroom into a panic room thing. It’s still not done.

We used to be better at communicating as a pack. We used to check in with each other all the time, but apparently we’ve fallen out of the habit, because this shit right here shouldn’t have happened.

Ethan and I should have communicated that we were taking longer than expected, and Logan and Maddox should have communicated that there was an emergency. Both to us and to Sadie.

And Swift? Well, Swift is likely so caught up in his bloodlust at the moment that he doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.

We need to do better.

Especially now that we have a bonded omega… my fucking bonded omega.
