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My omega purrs when she realizes that the blankets and pillows must be from their bedrooms, because the fabrics carry the heavy scent of each of them. I frown when I come across a blanket with almost no scent and toss it to the side. Not here. Not now.

But when I come across a beautiful soft gray one that feels amazing on my skin, but carries no scent, I hesitate. I want it in the nest, but it’s not right. I stare down at it, sudden tears pricking my eyes even as I realize this is fucking ridiculous.

“Hey, Cherrybomb, baby. What’s the matter?” Swift appears next to me, his hand rubbing soothing circles between my shoulder blades.

I sniff down at the blanket. “It's not right.”

“What’s not?”

“The blanket. I want it, but it’s not right. It doesn’t smell…” I trail off helplessly, because again I recognize that this is, for sure, the stupidest thing I’ve ever been upset about.

“Oh, Cherrybomb, it doesn’t smell right? You need it to smell like pack?”

I nod, sniffing again. Feeling like the world might end if I don’t get what I want right now.

Swift carefully takes the blanket from me, and I follow the fabric with my eyes as he lifts it to his neck, his cheek, his bare chest and rubs it all over him. The tightness in my chest releases as he hands it back to me. “Better?” he asks, smoothing the hair back from my face.

I bury my nose in the blanket and inhale deeply, letting out a purr when it smells like him. “Yes, thank you.” And then my eyes widen and I shove against his chest. “Get out.”

He falls back, eyes wide with surprise. “What?”

“Get out. It’s not ready yet. You have to get out and you have to ask if you can come in.”

A brilliant smile curls his lips as he scrambles off the mattress and onto the hardwood floor. “Sorry, omega, finish building your nest. I’ll wait.”

I watch him warily, making sure he’s going to stay where he is, then go back to arranging things just so.

Chapter 24: In which I am brought to the edge

Being an omega is wild. I’ve never been so fully focused on a task as I am while building this temporary nest. It causes a tug in my chest when I realize that at some point this is going to have to come down, all of my hard work destroyed.

Maybe I should just take over the nest upstairs, make it mine.

Maybe tomorrow.

I wonder if they’ll help me carry all of this up in sections, allow me to steal their bedding for the foreseeable future.

They will, right? That’s what a pack does for their omega.

The thought settles the ache a little as I sit back on my heels in the middle of the two mattresses, surveying my work. Now that I’m not in full nesting mode, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, the decisions I’ve made, but it makes my little omega heart happy, so I just go with it.

Sighing, I look up to find my pack standing behind the couch, all five of them watching me with varying degrees of wonder and contentment on their faces. I beam at them. “It’s ready.”

Maddox grins back at me, revealing his dimples. “It’s such a pretty nest, omega.”

Swift nods. “The best nest I’ve ever seen, Cherrybomb.”

I don’t like that he’s seen other omega nests, and a tiny growl rumbles out of me. He looks startled until Luca slams the back of his hand against his abs.

“The only nest we’ve ever had built for us, vixen,” he reassures me, and the growl fades out.

“Can I come in?” Logan asks, light green eyes shining.

I nod. “Please do. All of you. I made it for us… Apparently…”

Logan chuckles as he rounds the couch to join me, stepping carefully over a mound of pillows. “It’s a thing omegas do.”

“One of the sexiest things I’ve ever watched, vixen.” Luca follows Logan’s path while Swift leaps over the back of the couch. “No clue why, but watching you arrange pillows and shit got my dick so fucking hard.”
