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I shake my head. “We were hoping you’d be able to help figure that out.” I turn my face toward him and say quieter, “Maybe we can get some answers for our girl.” Since we have frustratingly little to go on.

Logan’s green eyes flick to mine and then he’s looking at Claudia again, not like he wants to fuck her, but like he wants to examine her, break open her skull and learn all of her secrets and how they might pertain to Sadie.

He nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. Take some of her blood and compare them. See what sticks out.”

“Excuse me?” Claudia says, chin dropping to her chest as she looks up at us all coyly from under her blackened lashes. “Why would you need to do any sort of tests on me? You all know who I am.”

She flicks her gaze to Ethan and dismisses him again, focusing on me and Logan as she perfumes again, filling the air with her pheromones. This time it’s not acrid, but sweet. Too sweet and full of arousal.

“Actually,” Logan says, fingers alternating between flexing and fisting as he struggles to keep his alpha under control. “We have no idea who you are.”

I nod, gritting my teeth against the scent that is telling me to fuck, knot, bite, claim. “You just happened to stumble upon me and Ethan in the park? You expect us to believe that? Really?”

“Look,” she says, lifting her chin. She looks over my shoulder and then back at me. “I don’t know what else you want me to tell you. It’s the truth. I’m-”

I smell my omega the second before I hear Sadie’s sweet voice confirming all her worst fears. “Your pack scent match.”

Chapter 26: In which it becomes clear I don’t belong… yet again.

I step into the living room, hair still wet around my shoulders, soaking into my shirt. They don’t notice me. I’m not sure there has been a single move I’ve made in this apartment that they haven’t known about. They can always scent me. Always.

Only now my cherry pie scent blends with an almost identical one, but somehow richer. No, not somehow. I know how. All the information is there, all the clues. We’ve dug into this already. My mother said Dr. Schwab altered me, likely turned me into an omega. I know who she is.

They do too.

They just don’t want to admit it yet.

I move farther into the room, teeth gritted against the omega pheromones she is putting out that have my instincts and hackles rising. She might as well have a sign that says, ‘fuck me, please’ flashing over her head. I swallow back a growl of jealousy, tuning into their conversation.

“Look,” the omega is saying, not cowering or terrified. She looks certain this is going to turn out in her favor. Her gorgeous blue eyes flick over to me, assess me in a mere moment and then dismiss me. Not worth her time. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you. It’s the truth. I’m-”

“Your pack scent match,” I say, folding my arms across my chest, as the three men spin to face me. Ethan reaches out like he wants to touch me, but there’s still six feet between us, so his hand just hangs in the distance. “Your real scent match.”

Logan shifts on his feet like he’s not sure where he should go. To me or to her. And Maddox just stares at me, eyes dark and impenetrable. I turn my attention to the omega in the room. The other omega. The real omega. Force a smile to my lips that I know looks fake, but I can’t bring myself to actually be happy about this.

I’d thought this pack was mine. But they aren’t.

“Hi, I’m Sadie. Pierce. Sadie Pierce.”

She flicks her gaze over me again, lingers on Luca’s bite on my neck. “Oh, yes. The woman who stole my pack.”

My pack, the omega in me immediately snarls. Mine.

I frown as I push the thought away. They aren’t mine. They never were. My fingers drift up to brush against the bite and Luca floods our bond with reassurance. He doesn’t know what’s happening here, but he can sense my worry, my sadness and is trying to make me feel better.

The woman turns her attention back to Maddox and Logan. “Which of you bit her?” Pure accusation drips from her tone.

Maddox shifts to look at her, arms crossing over his chest in the same way mine are. “Neither. Our pack mate, Luca, did. He’s on a job with our other mate, Swift.” Another throb in my chest at the mention of Swift. That little psycho has weaseled his way under my skin, into my heart.

I can’t imagine not having him. But I can’t exactly keep him now either, can I?

I can’t keep any of them.

This woman is their real omega, and I’ll be alone again. Just like I always knew I would be.

My heart cracks right down the center at that realization.

But I force away the pain. I have so much to be thankful for. And while it might feel like I’m alone, I’m not. I have Sylvie and Sorrel. I have… well, not a career that I love. But I’ll find one. I’ll figure it out and… Vee, she’ll be able to help me through the sickness—the RMD—I can practically feel slipping through my veins. She’s lived with it for years. I can do the same.
