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After a longer conversation, Sadie agreed to stay. Mostly because Swift threatened to slit Claudia’s neck if she didn’t. I’ve never been more grateful for that little fucking psycho in my life.

The idea of her not being here, of some other omega hanging out in our penthouse without Sadie here to counteract her? Yeah, my alpha hated that idea. A lot.

Of course, now we’re in the shit position of living with two unbonded omegas, one of which I want with my whole fucking heart and soul and the other that calls to my alpha almost as strongly just because of how she smells. It’s an exercise in self control with Claudia. Battling instincts and hormones to stay true to my heart and soul.

I cannot, under any circumstances, give into the need to take care of another omega. Not while Sadie is here. Not when she’s the only person I want to take care of, to cherish for the rest of my life. Well, her and my pack.

A soft purr rumbles to life next to me and Sadie’s little hand smooths over my chest, like she can feel my conflicting needs warring for dominance inside me. Even while she’s asleep, she’s trying to soothe me.

We’re all piled into Maddox’s bed. It’s the largest in the penthouse, besides the nest, and since Claudia’s taken up residence there, it’s the only place that will fit all six of us, still it’s a tight fit, that ends up with Sadie stretched out on top of one of us, using our bodies as a mattress.

This morning, Maddox is under her, his arms wrapped securely around her back, cradling her on his chest. One of her legs tangles with mine, her hand on my chest. On the other side of Maddox, Luca cuddles into our prime alpha, one of his hands inside her sleep shorts, palming her ass. Swift is on my other side, reaching over me to grip her thigh, his hand awfully close to my hard cock, but I don’t move him away. I can’t blame him for wanting to touch our girl.

I lay there and try to will myself to go back to sleep, wanting to stay in this perfect cuddle puddle with my pack for a while longer. But my bladder eventually urges me to get up. Carefully, not wanting to wake her, I pick up Sadie’s hand from my chest and lift it to press a kiss into her palm.

She shifts restlessly on top of Maddox and his arms tighten in response, his lips finding the crown of her head and his purr rumbling to life even as he continues to sleep. I tuck her hand under her chin and her eyelids flutter but don’t open. “Logan,” she murmurs in her perfect, husky, sleepy voice.

I smooth strands of light brown hair back from her face and lean over to press a soft kiss to her mouth. “Go back to sleep, mo chuisle.”

A furrow appears between her brows. “Stay.”

My heart damn near explodes in my chest at her gentle plea. I would stay if my bladder wasn’t threatening me with pissing all over my prime’s bed. Another kiss to her mouth. “I’m just gonna go start breakfast, baby,” I murmur. “I know you’ll need the calories after last night.”

A pleased little smirk curls her lips and she shifts on Maddox’s chest again. Pretty much ever since Claudia has come into the apartment, all of us have made it our mission to sex up Sadie as often as we can. To remind her she’s the one we want. Last night, we treated her to all our cocks in as many of her holes as she could take.

“There’re scones in the freezer. Ready to bake,” she mumbles and I don’t know if it’s her way of telling me that’s what she wants to eat, or if she’s saying breakfast is already most of the way finished, so there’s no need for me to get up.

“I’m on it,” I whisper, kissing her again.

She mewls when I move her thigh off me, and Swift all but snarls at me when I uncurl his fingers from her flesh. But he settles as soon as I’m up and out of bed, rolling into the space I vacated and tugging Sadie’s leg between his.

I tug on a pair of navy joggers—Ethan’s, I think—and hurry to the bathroom to do my business.

I’m covered and sweat and cum and slick and I should probably take a shower before starting the day, but my alpha is fucking proud to have my omega’s scent dripping from me. He’s practically preening in my chest as I catch whiff after whiff of her. Sadie. The literal pulse in my heart.

Humming quietly to myself, I head downstairs and start a pot of coffee. Then I root around in the freezer and find the scones that Sadie made, the instructions for baking them written out in sharpie on the bag.

The scones will be delicious, but they won’t be enough. Not for my pack. So while the oven heats, I pull out eggs, sausage and hash browns. Claudia’s been only eating yogurt and fruit every morning like she’s on a diet or something, which is something I’ve never heard of omegas doing.

They crave sweets and comfort foods, things that help them store calories for when they go into heat and don’t have the capacity to sit down and eat full meals. An omega on a diet is… well, it makes my alpha cringe.

It’s taken a lot for me to not snarl at her to eat more, to take better care of herself. She’s not mine, and so if she wants to limit her calorie intake, she’s more than welcome to. It’s not like she’ll be here long enough to go into heat with us.

Sadie, on the other hand? If she starts thinking she needs to go on a diet, I will perch her on my lap and hand feed her every single meal from now until eternity. My girl needs to keep up her strength and I wouldn’t mind more of her to love on.

My alpha rumbles with pleasure at the idea of that. I’m so into the image in my head that I don’t realize I’m not alone until a soft hand touches my lower back. I turn, thinking it’s Sadie, ready to pull her in for a kiss, only to stumble back when I find Claudia there, smiling up at me, wearing next to fucking nothing. A lacy, silky nighty that barely covers her ass and tits.

My ass hits the counter as she presses in closer, pushing up on her toes to kiss me. On the fucking lips.

A shudder runs through me, and I curl my hands around her shoulders and push her away. “What the hell are you doing?”

She blinks up at me with wide blue eyes, like she doesn’t understand why I might have a problem with her lips on mine. “I’m saying good morning to my alpha.” Her fingers brush over my abs, just above the waistband of my joggers suggestively. “Did you have something else in mind for how I could do that? Maybe I should get on my knees and let you fuck my mouth? We could start every day like that, Logan.”

Gritting my teeth against the surge of arousal at the words and her smell, I release her shoulder to slap her hand away from me. “No.”

She arches a brow, tucking her hand between her lace covered breasts like I hurt her. “No? I’m offering to blow you. Me, your omega, and you’re telling me no?”

I push her farther away and then move around her, putting distance and the island between us. “That’s right, I’m telling you no. I don’t want your mouth anywhere near me, let alone on my cock.” My cock that smells like Sadie’s slick. Hell, I’m drenched in her scent. It’s why I didn’t smell Claudia before she touched me. My nostrils are full of my true omega. Claudia should be able to smell it too, and it should fucking turn her stomach. If she’s really our scent match, smelling another omega on my skin should piss her off and make her damn near feral. The same way that another alpha’s scent on Sadie’s skin would drive me to cover it up with my own.
