Page 78 of Famous Last Words

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Sorry again my child for being so foolish and not seeing what was in front of me. My youngest daughter, reminding me that there was still life, and that I could still enjoy the world even without Zane and Iris. Now I leave this world with many regrets, but so proud of the woman you’ve become. My greatest legacy is you.

Shine on, my Fifi. I hope your children have your generous heart.

Yours in this life and the next,


“Sephie, are you okay?” Brahms’s gentle voice pulls me from the letter and bittersweet memories of my mother. Learning her reasons for pushing me away brings fresh heartache.

Unable to speak, I just shake my head as more tears fall. Brahms reaches out to tenderly wipe them away, then kisses my forehead.

“I hate seeing you in pain,” he murmurs. Strong, comforting arms wrap around me, drawing me against his solid warmth.

I cling to him, sobs wracking my body. “She did it to protect me,” I finally choke out. “Because she loved me.”

“Shh, I know,” Brahms soothes, rubbing my back. “It’s okay, let it out.”

His steadfast strength surrounds me as I cry out years of hurt and confusion. All this time I thought she hated me, but now I understand—she made an impossible choice out of love.

I lift my head from Brahms’s chest to find him gazing at me with such empathy and care, that it makes my heart swell.

“Of course she loved you, and I’m glad you now know that she always did,” he promises, smoothing back my hair. “What can I do to make this better?”

“Just by being here,” I mumble, pressing my face to his chest and absorbing his strength.

“I’m here for you, always, but . . . and this is just a suggestion, why don’t you set a date and marry me, lady? Make an honest man out of me.”

“Eww, are you kissing again?” Ewan complains.

“No, your mom is a little sad. Why don’t we go to the kitchen to make her some tea, buddy?” Brahms suggests, kissing my forehead before leaving.

“I’ll make the tea to make you feel better, Mommy,” he assures me, and watching them I realize that maybe I lost a few years with my own mother, but I had many great memories and that’s what I need to hold onto. Those are what really matter.

Brahm’s Epilogue


Two years later . . .

A year ago, Ellington and I started a production company for new artists. Bartók helps scout talent while pursuing his own music out in Seattle. I’m not sure why he’s still there. If it’s because of a woman he met while I was in therapy, or the hockey player he’s always talking about but . . . we respect his boundaries and won’t pry until he’s ready to talk about it.

Today was a busy day, having to produce an entire record within a week takes a lot of my energy. It was good, though, we’re ready to release the LP for the new band my friends created after Cascade Midnight called it quits. Bartók even got them a gig somewhere in Seattle to launch them.

After a long day, there’s nothing better than to step into my house. I can hear Ary practicing piano. There’s no noise which means that Ewan is up to no good or in the basement with Joplin practicing drums. He still hasn’t found his instrument and keeps asking my brother to teach him something new.

I don’t know what we’re going to do when Joplin goes back on the road. Dad will probably step in and be his teacher. He adores his grandchildren. I’m glad that he not only attended a few therapy sessions with me, but he also found a therapist to help him with his own mental health issues. Our relationship isn’t the same as it was before the crash. I want to believe that’s better.

“I thought I heard the door. Welcome home, handsome.” Seraphina appears with our one-year-old son, Zane, in her arms and her beautiful bump begins to show with our other little bundle of joy.

Zane reaches for me eagerly, and I sweep him into my arms, kissing my incredible wife.

Thankful that I was able to find my way into the light and that Seraphina and I crossed paths again. It’s been a hard journey. Our two broken souls found each other in the dark and began to heal each other’s wounds.

That doesn’t mean that we’re completely healed. I struggled with my old demons, but I work hard to keep them at bay. With the help of my counselor, I remain clean and focused on my goals.

Sephie is my rock. The woman believes in me and sees who I really am—flaws and all, and loves me unconditionally. She’s my inspiration and my everything. Her center is thriving. I asked her the other day if she wanted to be a doctor—it’s never too late to go to school. But she prefers to help others like her father, like me.

We created a dream together, and we work to make it a reality every day. And those famous last words I told my best friend before he died, that I would love and protect Seraphina remain true.

She’s mine to love forever.
