Page 27 of Ignited

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“Get out of my sight, Loveridge.”

“Yes, sir.” Shooting to his feet, he saluted me, a grin curving over his lips. “Thanks again for the help.”

When he was gone, I realised that I’d returned his smile.



I had an interesting conversation with your housemate this morning


Which one? Was it about me? It’s all lies I swear


Ha ha. Ander Loveridge. I have you to thank for my restraint. I spent the last quarter of his seminar giving him a one to one lesson on TUPE law


I have no idea what TUPE is but I’m proud of myself for being the reason for your restraint. And proud of you too, I guess


Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations


Shouldn’t that be TUPER?


Not the point, Joshua. Pay attention


I love it when you get bossy, Dr. Wilder. Are you free today? I had an idea for something you could try out for your social skills


Come to my office at 4. Don’t be late


Yes sir

He sent a GIF of someone saluting, and for a moment, it was far too close to Loveridge’s actions for my liking. Shaking off the thought, I returned my attention to my lesson planning. The vice chancellor wanted me to join the rest of the business school faculty in delivering some of my lectures online—prerecording them for students to watch at their own convenience. So far, I’d resisted. One, I liked to see the reactions of my students in real time. Two, I was of the belief that if they were paying good money to be here on campus, we should offer them face-to-face teaching. No doubt, teaching online would make things less stressful for me, but I could envision my emails increasing rapidly, with students asking inane questions that could easily be answered in a minute or two during the lecture. I had the feeling that I wouldn’t be able to avoid it forever, though, not if I wanted to be seen as a team player.

Caught up in my lesson plans, I lost track of time, startling out of my thoughts at a knock at the door. I glanced at my watch. Four o’clock already. A smile tugged at my lips, my fatigue melting away.

“Come in.”

The door swung open.

“Wow. You hardly ever look this pleased to see me.” Gage strode into the room, perching on the corner of my desk. Fuck. He raised a brow. “What’s with the good mood?”

The smile slid from my face. “Nothing. I’m not in a good mood.”
