Page 35 of His Demands

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I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that the Bratva never gets near her. She's become more than just my wife in name; she's become a part of my life I'm not willing to lose.

Chapter 22


Sitting on the cold, paper-covered table in the doctor's office, I can't help but let my mind wander. A month has passed since our honeymoon, and it feels like a lifetime and a blink of an eye all at once. My feet dangle off the edge of the table, and I play with the hem of the paper gown, a flimsy barrier that's as much a source of modesty as it is a reminder of why I'm here.

Ivan. The man who's been occupying my thoughts day and night. Evenings together in our transformed house have become a mix of cozy domesticity and frustrating distance. He's there, but not always present, buried in his work, his laptop an ever-present barrier.

And then there are the secrets, the shadows that seem to cling to him. The late-night phone calls that he brushes off, the strange men approaching him on the street. It happened again last week, and it left me with more questions than answers. Whenever I ask, he assures me it's nothing, but I can tell he's holding back.

But today, all of that takes a back seat to the reason I'm at the doctor’s office. I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant. It's a strange feeling, a mix of excitement and apprehension. The thought of carrying Ivan's child, of starting this next new chapter, is both thrilling and terrifying. And to think, it might have happened on our first time on the plane. The memory brings a giggle to my lips, a sound that's half nerves, half amusement.

"Everything okay in here?" the doctor asks as she enters the room, pulling me from my reverie.

I clamp my hand over my mouth, suddenly feeling like a schoolgirl caught passing notes in class. "Yes, it’s fine. Just, you know, doctor's office jitters," I reply, trying to sound nonchalant.

The doctor gives me a knowing smile as she pulls up my file on her tablet. "Well, let's see if we can alleviate some of those jitters. You mentioned you think you might be pregnant?"

I nod and nervously shift my weight, the paper gown crinkling with the movement. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. My cycle's like clockwork, and it’s been more than a little off since the honeymoon."

The doctor nods, her expression professional but kind. "Alright, we'll do a test and see what it says. How have you been feeling otherwise? Any morning sickness or other symptoms?"

I shrug, a little sheepish. "A bit of nausea here and there, and I've been craving pickles like crazy. I mean, I always liked them, but now it's like I need them."

She chuckles, making a few notes. "Cravings can be a telltale sign. We'll do a blood test as well, just to be sure."

As she prepares the test, I can't help but let my mind wander back to Ivan. What will he say when I tell him? Will he be excited, nervous, or just dive into planning mode like he does with everything else? And what about these secrets he's keeping? Will they change anything between us, especially now with a baby potentially on the way?

I take a deep breath, trying to calm the whirlwind of thoughts.

One step at a time, Julie. First, let's confirm this pregnancy, and then... well, then we'll figure out the rest.

Breaking into the bright light of day, I step out of the doctor's office, my heart pounding. I’m definitely pregnant. The news still rings in my ears, echoing with each step I take.

As I make my way to the parking lot, my mind races with thoughts of how to break the news to Ivan. I can't wait to see the look on his face. I almost skip to the car, a sleek, black Mercedes-Benz GLE that Ivan insisted I have.

"No wife of mine is riding the subway," he had declared with that typical mix of arrogance and concern. I have to admit, I've grown quite fond of its smooth ride and luxurious interior. Barb teases me about getting spoiled, but hey, who wouldn't love this kind of pampering?

I'm just about to open the door when a voice stops me dead in my tracks. "Mrs. Stepanov?” The accent is heavy, unmistakable. I turn, my heart skipping a beat as I see two men approaching.

I recognize them both from that day in Ivan’s office when he proposed. Though I’d been ushered out before their meeting had taken place, I recall that Ivan had not been happy to see them.

The fact that they are approaching me now has my teeth set on edge.

“How was your appointment?” the one I remember Ivan addressing as Boris asks.

My heartbeat quickens, alarm surging through me. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I ask, my voice edged with disbelief. How could he possibly know about my doctor's appointment?

"It's a simple question," he presses, those beady eyes scrutinizing me closely. "How was your visit to the doctor?"

I take a step back, my mind racing. "That's none of your business," I retort, trying to mask the unease bubbling up inside me.

I make a move to open my car door but he's quick, stepping in front of me, effectively blocking my way. His size is intimidating, and his next words turn my blood to ice.

"We'll be escorting you back to your husband's office," he says, the tone of his voice leaving no room for argument.

For a brief moment I consider screaming, drawing attention, but his next warning stops me cold. "I wouldn't make a fuss if I were you. We wouldn’t want you to have an unfortunate accident."
