Page 37 of His Demands

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I don't have an immediate answer for her. My focus shifts back to Boris, the instigator of this chaos. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I growl, the anger in my voice barely contained.

He seems unfazed by my hostility, his expression one of smug satisfaction. "Clearly, you didn't grasp the seriousness of the business proposition I offered you," he says, his tone casual but laced with menace. "However, I believe you now understand exactly how serious it is."

His words hang in the air, a blatant threat causing my spine to stiffen. This isn't just a simple power play; it's a calculated move to drag me back into a world I've fought hard to leave behind.

I keep my gaze locked on Boris, my mind racing for a solution. Julie's safety is paramount, and I need to navigate this situation carefully. Bori’s presence here, his boldness in confronting me at my office, is a clear sign that he's not going to back down easily.

"I understood your offer, Boris," I say, maintaining a steady voice. "But I’ll say it again, I'm not interested. I left that life behind. I’ve told you that multiple times already."

His smirk widens, a predator enjoying the hunt. "That's where you're wrong, Ivan. You don't get to decide whether or not you can leave that life. It's a part of you, and now," he glances at Julie, "it's a part of your wife's life too."

The implied threat to Julie nearly drives me to do something stupid. I step closer to her, wanting to shield her from whatever Boris has planned. Julie's presence here, used as a pawn in Boris’ game, changes everything. I have to tread carefully, but I'm not going to let him use her to control me.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Boris," I warn, my voice low and full of venom.

He chuckles, clearly enjoying the upper hand. "I've always enjoyed a good game, Ivan. Especially when the stakes are high. And right now, they couldn't be higher."

Julie's confusion is tangible, her voice tinged with fear. "What proposition? And what life did you leave behind?" she asks, her words aimed at me but her eyes never leaving Boris.

Boris’ response is swift and sharp, his voice cutting through the tension in the room. "Keeping secrets from your woman, Ivan?” he tsks.

"Julie, stay out of this," I say, my voice firmer than I intended. I see the hurt flash in her eyes, and I know I'm going to pay for those words later, but right now, her safety is my priority.

Without another word, Boris strides over to my desk and places an envelope on the surface. It appears thick and heavy with the weight of whatever instructions lie within. "Everything you need to know is in there," he says, his tone casual but his eyes cold. "The Bratva will compensate you well for this job."

The mention of the Bratva confirms my worst fear—that Boris is here to drag me back into a world I thought I had escaped. The Bratva is not an organization you simply walk away from, and their confirmed involvement complicates things further.

Julie remains silent, the shock of Boris’ words still lingering. I can sense her unease, her fear, and it fuels my resolve to protect her from whatever he has planned.

My hand trembles with barely contained rage as I reach for the envelope, every muscle in my body coiled tight, ready to launch it back at Boris with all the contempt I feel. But Boris, perceptive and calculating, senses my intention and halts me with a chilling warning.

"Think carefully before you act, Ivan," he says, his voice laced with menace. His eyes shift to Julie, and the leer that he gives her makes my blood boil. "The Bratva knows what you value now," he adds, his words like a knife twisting in my gut.

The implication is clear and terrifying. They know about Julie, about her importance to me, and they're not above using her as leverage. It's a game of power and control, and Boris holds the cards.

His next words are a chilling reminder of the stakes. "Be wise, my friend. Consider the job because the alternative..." He lets the threat hang in the air, an unspoken but understood promise of violence and ugliness.

With that, Boris and Sergei turn and leave my office, their departure leaving heavy implications in their wake. The door closes with a soft click, but the echo of their threat reverberates through the room.

I stand there, envelope in hand, my blood boiling, mind racing. The danger is real and immediate, not just for me but for Julie as well. The Bratva's reach is long, their methods ruthless. I've spent years building a life away from their influence, but now they've managed to pull me back in, and Julie is caught in the crossfire.

Chapter 24


"What the hell is going on, Ivan?" she demands, her voice sharp, cutting through the silence in the room. Her eyes, usually so warm, so understanding, now bore into me with an intensity that demands truth.

The tremors in Julie's body show the fear coursing through her, but it's her anger that resonates more profoundly. She's literally shaking, her eyes ablaze with a mixture of fear and fury. I reach out, trying to bridge the gap between us, to offer some semblance of comfort.

But she recoils, stepping away from me once more. Her withdrawal stings, more than I care to admit.

I know I can't keep evading her questions. But how do I explain a past so dark, so dangerous, without dragging her further into the mire? "It's complicated," I say, my voice steady but lacking conviction.

Her glare intensifies, and I can see the frustration building within her. "That's bullshit, Ivan. Stop lying to me. Am I in danger? Is Barb in danger?" Her voice cracks slightly, betraying the fear beneath her anger.

The question hangs heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the threat that now shadows our lives. "You won't be," I say, trying to sound more confident than I feel. "Neither will your aunt. I'll make sure of it."

But my answer only seems to fuel her frustration. "What the hell does that mean?" she snaps, her patience wearing thin.
