Page 44 of His Demands

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Her pace quickens, her breasts bouncing up and down.

“Come inside me, Ivan. “Please. I’m so close.”

There’s no sense in resisting. I feel myself reach the edge, holding there long enough so her own orgasm can take hold. She arches her back again and I allow myself to move over the line, pleasure ripping through me as I come. My cock pulses, my seed shooting deep inside of her. She keeps riding me through it all, coaxing out every last drop.

In the quiet aftermath of our passion, Julie rests beside me on the couch, her body a gentle curve against my side. The warmth of her presence, the soft rhythm of her breathing, it's a comfort that I've come to crave more than I ever thought possible. We lie in silence, the kind that speaks volumes, filled with a shared understanding and a connection that's grown deeper with every passing moment.

Those three little words linger on the tip of my tongue, echoing in the back of my mind. But I resist speaking them aloud, not yet ready to give them a voice. There's a part of me that's still guarded, still wary of the vulnerability that comes with such an admission. It's a battle between the instinct to protect myself and the growing realization of just how much Julie means to me.

She falls asleep, her breathing steady and peaceful. In the dim light of the cabin, her face is a picture of tranquility, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions and fears I know are swirling within her. The danger that looms over us, the shadow of my past life, it's a threat I never wanted her to face. But now that it's here, I vow to protect her, to shield her from the darkness that's encroaching on our lives.

I rise quietly, careful not to disturb her. Dressing in silence, I pause to kiss her forehead, a tender gesture that belies the turmoil inside me. She stirs slightly, a soft murmur escaping her lips, and for a moment, I'm tempted to stay, to keep watch over her as she sleeps. But there's work to be done, plans to be made. I scoop her off the couch and carry her upstairs to the bedroom. I know she needs rest, recovery. Kiki is close behind, curling around my legs as I move. When I set Julie down, the cat wastes no time hopping to her side.

Downstairs, the cabin is still, the only sound the occasional crackle of the dying fire. I take a seat by the window, my gaze scanning the darkness outside. The isolation is both a blessing and a curse—a sanctuary from the world, but also a place that feels increasingly like a fortress under siege.

My laptop sits open in front of me, a portal to the resources and connections I need to formulate a plan. My mind works methodically, piecing together strategies, contingencies, anything and everything I can do to neutralize the threat. Boris and his ilk, they're a cancer, a remnant of a life I left behind. But they've returned to claim a debt I never owed, targeting the one person who's become my reason for everything.

The night deepens as I work, the hours slipping away in a blend of determination and focus. I can't allow fear or doubt to cloud my judgment, not when so much is at stake. Julie, our future, the family we're going to build, they're the anchors that will keep me grounded, the reasons I'll fight with everything I have.

I glance at the clock, noting the passage of time, the approach of dawn. The world outside is still shrouded in darkness, but I know the light will come soon, bringing with it new challenges and new battles. But for now, I find strength in the knowledge that Julie is safe, asleep upstairs, her trust in me is a responsibility I don't take lightly.

Chapter 28


Iwake up to the familiar warmth of Kiki curled up beside me, her gentle purring a soothing contrast to the tornado swirling in my mind as soon as my eyes open. I stretch, feeling the pleasant soreness in my muscles, a physical reminder of last night's passion. Glancing around, I notice the other side of the bed is empty, the sheets cool to the touch. Ivan's not there.

Curiosity piques as I get up and move to the window of our cozy second-floor room. Peering out, I see that our car is missing, replaced by a different one, sleek and unfamiliar. A frown creases my forehead. Where did he go without telling me?

Shaking off the unease, I quickly dress, opting for comfort in a pair of jeans and a soft sweater. After a quick brush of my teeth and a hasty ponytail to tame my unruly hair, I'm ready to face the day, or at least try to.

Heading downstairs, the cabin feels larger, emptier without Ivan's presence. It's a beautiful place, rustic yet elegant, with large windows that flood the space with late morning light. But right now it feels more like a gilded cage, a luxurious confinement amidst the looming threat outside.

I tiptoe into the kitchen, my eyes fixed on a man rummaging through the fridge. He's got the same build as Ivan, so it's easy to assume it's him. Feeling playful, I sneak up behind him, a mischievous grin on my face. In one swift move, I reach out and goose him, erupting into giggles.

But as the man whirls around, my laughter dies in my throat. It's not Ivan. Instead, I'm met with the surprised face of Fyodor. I let out an embarrassed squeak, stepping back as my cheeks flush a deep shade of red.

"Oh my God, I’m sorry! I thought you were—" I stammer, but my apology is cut off as Ivan strides into the kitchen.

"What's going on here?" Ivan asks, his eyebrow raised in amusement.

Fyodor, still chuckling, looks between me and Ivan. "Well, your wife here just gave me quite the welcome."

I can feel my face burning with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Fyodor. I really thought you were Ivan," I say, wishing the floor would swallow me whole.

Fyodor winks at me, clearly not offended. "Don't worry about it. It's the most action I've had in weeks."

I let out a relieved laugh, feeling a bit more at ease. "I'll make sure to double-check next time before I decide to get frisky," I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

Ivan wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close. "I think I'll have to keep a closer eye on you, Mrs. Stepanov. Can't have you assaulting my family members."

I lean into Ivan, still feeling a bit flustered but grateful for his good-natured teasing.

Fyodor stands there, his resemblance to Ivan striking yet distinct. He's leaner, his features less rugged, but there's no denying the family connection. His eyes have the same intensity, but there's a lightness to him that Ivan sometimes lacks.

"Why are you here, Fyodor?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

Ivan answers, his tone serious. "He's here for extra protection, Julie."
