Page 52 of His Demands

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"I knew you'd come," he says, a hint of triumph in his voice that sets my nerves on edge.

I don’t like the way he says it, as if he's orchestrated this whole scenario. "Did you really see Barb being put into an ambulance?" I ask, skepticism lacing my tone.

He hesitates, and then his expression shifts. "No, I didn't. As far as I know, she’s fine. But I have a friend who needs to speak with you and this was the only thing I could think of that would get you to come."

I stop in my tracks, a cold feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. "What are you talking about?" My voice is sharp, my patience wearing thin. "You lied to me. Why the hell should I believe anything you say now?"

His eyes dart around nervously, and he leans in closer, lowering his voice. "I know it's a lot to ask after everything. But this is important, Julie. Please, just hear me out."

I take a step back, distancing myself from him. "You can't just lie to me about something like that and expect me to go along with whatever you're planning. What's this really about?"

He looks around again, clearly uneasy, then focuses back on me. "It's about your safety, Julie. There are things you don't know, things that could put you in danger."

His words send a chill down my spine, and a thousand questions flood my mind. "What do you mean, my safety? What danger?"

He glances over his shoulder, then back at me. "I can't say anything more here. It's not safe. But if you come with me, I can explain everything."

I'm torn; my instincts screaming at me to walk away, to find Barb and forget this man and his cryptic warnings. But a part of me driven by anger and curiosity, wants to know what he's talking about.

After a moment of internal struggle, I make my decision. "Fine. I'll hear what you have to say. But no games. If you're lying to me again, I'm done. Understood?"

He nods eagerly, relief washing over his face. "Understood, Julie. Thank you."

I begin to follow him but my steps soon falter as I catch sight of the Bratva boss and two of his menacing associates lingering near a nondescript van. My heart sinks as I realize this is a setup, a trap, and I've walked right into it.

I instinctively try to turn back, to make a dash for the car, but my father’s hand clamps down on my arm, holding me in place. "Just hear them out, Julie," he urges, his voice a mix of desperation and deceit.

I jerk my arm away, my voice rising in alarm. "How do you know those men?”

His eyes dart toward Boris and his goons, then back at me. “Listen, I can help you get out of this. But you have to help me, too.”

I stare at him, disbelief and anger swirling inside me. “Help you how?” I demand, my voice laced with suspicion.

He leans in, his voice a hushed whisper. “I need money, Julie. Your new husband's rich, right? Help me get some cash, and I'll get you out of this mess."

I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. The realization that my father orchestrated this, that he's using me as a pawn in his desperate game for money, is sickening.

"You set me up?" I hiss, my voice trembling with rage and fear.

"I did, but I can fix this," he insists, a wild look in his eyes. "Just promise me the money, and we'll get away from these guys."

I shake my head, disgust and horror filling me. "You think Ivan would give you a dime? You're delusional! And these men, the Bratva? They won't hesitate to kill you once they're done using you."

His face falls, his scheme unraveling before him. "Julie, please. I need this. I don't have anywhere else to go."

I take a step back, my mind racing. I need to get away, to escape this nightmare. "You're on your own, Calvin. I can't help you, and I won't. Not after this."

I turn to leave but the sound of heavy footsteps makes my blood run cold. The Bratva men are approaching, their intentions clear in their cold, calculating eyes.

My father reaches out, a last-ditch effort to hold me back. "Julie, wait! Please!"

But I'm already moving, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I have to get away, to warn Ivan, to protect myself and the life growing inside me. Calvin’s betrayal, the danger he's put me in, it's unforgivable.

Boris’ men catch up to me. One of them roughly shoves Calvin to the ground, while the other clamps a hand over my mouth, silencing any attempt to scream. His grip is iron-tight and unyielding. Panic-stricken, I thrash and kick, trying to break free from his grasp.

My father’s voice, filled with fear and anger, cuts through the chaos. "We had a deal! What are you doing?" His protest is desperate, the words of a man realizing too late that he's out of his depth.

Amidst my struggle, a strange, muffled pop echoes through the air, followed by Calvin’s agonized scream. My heart pounds in terror, the reality of the situation hitting me with brutal clarity. This is no longer just a threat; it's a nightmare unfolding in real time.
