Page 57 of His Demands

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Fyodor sighs, running a hand through his hair. "But Julie's in severe danger, Ivan. We need to think about her safety."

"I am thinking about her safety," I snap, my worry for Julie fueling my anger. "But doing Boris’ bidding isn't the solution. It's a temporary fix that will only lead to more demands, more control. I need to sever ties with the Bratva once and for all."

Fyodor leans forward, his eyes searching mine. "You know the risks involved, Ivan. You're putting a lot on the line."

"I know," I reply, my voice firm. "But I've been running from my past for too long. It's time to face it head-on. It’s the only way to keep Julie safe going forward."

The room falls silent. Fyodor nods slowly, understanding where I’m coming from. "Alright. Let’s do this."

I stand up, a newfound determination setting in. "We'll find her, Fyodor, and when we do, Boris will regret ever crossing me."

Fyodor stands beside me, a solid presence by my side. "I'm with you, brother. Let's bring her home."

The phone's shrill ring cuts through our tense deliberations. I grab it, hoping for a lead, any lead. It's Deputy Director Hargrove on the line. His voice is terse, efficient as always. I put him on speaker. "Boris, we've compiled a list of more potential locations. One of them stands out—an old strip club in the Bronx. We’ve got eyes in the area that saw a van pull up there not too long ago."

Fyodor leans in, his interest piqued. "Where in the Bronx?" he asks, scanning the map.

Hargrove gives the coordinates. "It's in a rundown area, seems secluded enough for Boris’ purposes."

I end the call and we gather our gear along with the map. We hop into my SUV and every fiber of my being is taut with fear as we speed through the streets. Knowing Julie is in Boris’ evil hands is unbearable. I know what he’s capable of and I can’t allow my thoughts to go to the unimaginable. It's far beyond just saving her now; it's reclaiming a future that's suddenly become essential to me.

"Fyodor, there’s a gun in the glove compartment."

My brother’s eyes widen in surprise as he pulls the weapon out. "I thought you were done with this, Ivan. When you started your company, I thought..."

"Extenuating circumstances," I cut him off, my gaze fixed on the road ahead. "I left that life behind, but it seems it's not quite done with me."

He weighs the gun in his hand, a silent acknowledgment of the seriousness of our mission. I can sense the concern, the anxiety he’s feeling. But now's not the time for doubt or fear. Now's the time for action.

"We'll do whatever it takes," I say, my resolve ironclad. "I'm not losing Julie. Not now, not ever."

"I'm ready to do this brother," Fyodor says, his voice firm, echoing my determination.

"Good. We go in, we get her out. No heroics, just precision and speed," I instruct, my mind clear and focused. "And Fyodor, remember to stay close."

As we pull into the parking lot of the club—a rundown structure with a facade as uninviting as its reputation—my eyes are immediately drawn to the lone vehicle parked outside. A nondescript, white van but it stands out like a beacon of suspicion. It matches Calvin's description, and I know in my gut this is it. This is where they've taken Julie.

I scan the area, expecting to see Hargrove's men standing discreetly by, but there's no sign of the FBI. Only us and the ominous presence of the van. The lack of backup sets my nerves on edge, but it also sharpens my resolve. We're on our own, and every decision carries the weight of life and death.

"Fyodor, stay sharp," I say, my voice low.

Fyodor nods, his expression tight with concentration. He understands the stakes as well as I do. This isn't just a rescue mission; it's a personal crusade to save the woman I love.

I take a moment to assess the situation. The club itself is a fortress, no windows, no easy way to see what's happening inside. The front door appears to be our only point of entry, but it's also the most dangerous. It's likely guarded, and we have no idea what we're walking into.

"We need to be smart about this," I murmur, my brain ticking through the options. "Going in blind is too risky. We need a distraction, something to draw them out."

Fyodor's eyes meet mine, understanding flashing in them. "I can create a diversion," he offers. "Get them to open the door, give you a chance to slip in."

I consider his proposal. It's too risky, and I don’t like it. "Let’s see if there is another way in first. We don't know how many are inside, or what types of weapons they have. If we can sneak up on them from behind we might have a shot."

He gives a curt nod, determination etched on his features. “I agree. Our chances of overpowering them are better if they don’t know we’re coming.”

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. The next few minutes will determine everything. We can't afford any mistakes. For Julie, for us, this has to be perfect.

Chapter 36

